(Thursday morning - NH)

"I can't believe it's already time to go home. Can you believe it, oh husband of mine?" Lorelai crooned across the cab of Luke's old truck.

Luke smiled and reached for her hand, "nah. I wish we could've spent more time alone. I know we waited for a while ... and that was the right thing for us. But... it feels so... right to be married. Don't you think?"

"It feels perfect. Like everything is falling into place," Lorelai replied, smiling back. "I'm excited to go home and see Rory. And I'm sure Paul Anka will be glad to get home, won't you boy?"

Luke chuckled and rolled his eyes at the dog sitting upright in the cab between them. "I'm sure he'll be happy to get home to your shoe collection," he added.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, did I tell you that Rory put in an offer in that house behind ours - the one that belonged to that guy, Dwight?" Lorelai asked.

"What! No. That is great. It'll need a lot of work, though. I went in there a year or so ago... I think the island was shaped like a boat of some sort," Luke replied.

"Stop it. It is really shaped like the Minnow?" Lorelai questioned, gasping.

Luke shook his head, "no, not a fish. A boat. You know, the thing that you use to get to the fish. I know that you're not entirely familiar with them."

Lorelai chuckled, "no, no. The SS Minnow is the boat from Gilligan's Island. All the years that you dated me, you would think that my vast pop-culture knowledge would've transferred over to you via some sort of osmosis."

"Oh, well, that is even more strange than an island shaped like a fish. A fish, maybe, I could understand. A boat from a TV show... people are just strange," Luke said, shaking his head still.

"People have strange affinities for TV shows that they love. It makes them do strange things. Tom still has his contracting business though, right?" Lorelai asked.

"I think his sons run it mostly, now. I think Tom just oversees projects. Why, do you want to do something else to the house?" Luke responded.

"No, for Rory. I guess the fund that was left to her by my dad is enough to renovate the entire house. I'm pretty sure that Rory will not want to have a themed house," Lorelai said.

"I don't really know who would. But, I guess you're right. People do strange things for TV shows," Luke replied.

"Hey, how long until we are home? I want to text Rory and give her a heads up," Lorelai said, pulling out her phone.

"Well, we just left Portsmouth... probably about two-and-a-half hours.... longer if we stop for food and to let Paul Anka out. It's 10 now - so maybe around 1 or 2?" Luke replied after glancing at his GPS.

"Good. That should be more than enough time for my mom to get in and out of the new house. Rory said Emily was going to go look at the house when I was texting her last night," Lorelai responded, just as her phone began to ring. "Ugh, it's like she has a sixth sense about when I am talking about her. Or even thinking about talking about her. Or thinking thoughts that could possibly lead down the path to thinking about her."

"Just answer it - get it over with," Luke said.

Lorelai accepted the call and held the phone to her ear, "hi, mother."

"Hello, Lorelai. How are you?" Emily asked.

Immediately Lorelai's Emily Spidey-Sense started tingling. "I'm fine mother... And how are you?"

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