Dirty Cups

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"Can you believe how much furniture there actually was in that storage unit? I can't even begin to comprehend how much it is all worth. We could probably send chicken nugget to college, a masters program, AND a PhD program when it's all sold. And I'm not talking about some podunk-nothing school. Nugget could be a Bulldog. Or if nugget wants to be decked out in crimson, they could go to Harvard. Or embrace green at Dartmouth. Or all of the above!" Rory rushed.

Jess chuckled as he balled up a taco wrapper - they had stopped at a Taco Bell drive thru; Rory had insisted on Crunchwrap Supremes and tacos. "Nugget can have whatever nugget wants. And, I really can't believe that storage unit. Most of them are rickety old buildings in a sketchy part of town. That had security cameras and guards. I guess that is what it takes when you have hundreds of thousands or, heck, even millions of dollars in furniture and other stuff under one roof. Rich people are something else."

"That they are. And that jewelry... I can't believe that there is a Gilmore family tiara. It is insane. I think it was my grandmother's grandmother's so it has to be .... well, at least 150 years old? 200? I don't even know what to do with everything in that box. I feel like we need to put it in a bank. Or a safe? Should I get a safe? Where does one even get a safe? Are there safe buying stores? If I am going to have this much money under my name, I feel like this is something I should know. Right?" Rory rambled.

 Right?" Rory rambled

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"Relax, Gilmore. Your mom will know what to do. Emily will even help, I'm sure. For now, let's just go inside and watch some TV. We'll relax. Maybe go to sleep early. And then we'll go show your grandmother the house tomorrow. She may be more relaxed than she used to be... but she is still intense," Jess said, putting the car in park before opening his door to go help Rory out of her side.

"Thanks. Yeah, she's definitely better than she used to be. She's happier in some weird way. She loved my grandpa... but she is really loving this living on the island and being her own woman thing," Rory explained as they headed towards the Gilmore house.

"So, I vote we order something - maybe from Al's or some pizza, and we hunker down for the night. Godfather marathon?" Jess asked, opening the front door.

"Chinese. Godfather's 1 and 2. Maybe the 3rd, just nothing of Sophia dying. Because Lorelai will never forgive us," Rory said, heading for the kitchen to find the hidden stash of food menus.

Jess chuckled, "but Sophia dying is the only good part about the 3rd," he reasoned.

"Okay, okay. We just can't tell Lorelai, she'll never let us live it down."


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