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Hey, Daniella.
I'd like to talk to you, if that's alright.

uh, okay?

I know you don't like me, you probably hate me, actually. I deserve it. I've put you through a lot of crap, and you don't deserve it. You've always been a nice girl, understanding. You won't even let your friends attack me, when I very much deserve it...

What are you getting at?
Who even is this?

Oh, sorry. It's Margarita.
I just wanted to apologize. I've been a horrible person, and i've ruined your life, and i sincerely regret it.

I've been a nice person because i'm bigger than you, Margarita. I've refused to stoop to your level. But then again, you didn't steal my boyfriend right out from under me before. Before i thought you were just misunderstood. This? I drew the line.
You're right- you ruined my life. I could deal with the media, I could deal with the judgement online. Then you stole my boyfriend, the man I fell in love with, and turned him against me. Don't expect forgiveness from me, because you won't get it.

No, I don't expect forgiveness. I understand if you never forgive me. Trust me when i say this, Sebastian loves you just as much as you love him, if not more. I tried to give him an out, but he wouldn't take it, he's too good of a man. He loves you very much, Daniella, even if he's too much of an idiot to admit it. He's scared, he thinks he lost you.

He lost me the moment he decided to get back together with you.

What? No, we aren't together.

Excuse me?

Child or not, we don't love each other anymore. That's been gone for a long time. We aren't going to date just for the sake of the child. Besides, anyone with eyes can see how much he loves you. He talks about you constantly, how he misses you and... and how he wants to marry you.

Why hasn't HE told me that?
Why hasn't HE texted me?
Why hasn't HE made any attempt to even speak to me?

I don't know, i've tried telling him to see you.
Listen, i have to go, i have an appointment. I'm really sorry for everything, have a good day, Daniella.

Yeah, okay. Bye

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