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My Husband
Hey sweetpea

My Wife

My Husband
How you doin'?

My Wife
apparently i'm talking to a real life joey tribbiani so i'm great

My Husband

My Wife
sorry. i'm just.. i'm terrified. i don't know what i did wrong.

My Husband
There's no way you did anything wrong.

My Wife
part of me wants to believe that, but the other part says i had to, other wise this wouldn't have been happening.

My Husband
I'm sorry. I wish i had an answer, but he's just being an idiot.
Are you filming today?

My Wife
no, not for two or three days.

My Husband
Where are you?

My Wife

My Husband
I'm coming to see you. I'll book a flight and be there tonight.

My Wife
ryan no you have a family to be with

My Husband
Blake and the kids are away on vacation. I'm free for the next week. I'm coming down, like it or not. But knowing you, you'll like it a LOT ;)

My Wife
You're terrible
but you're right
i can't wait to see you

My Husband
See you soon sweetcheeks

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