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The Marvelous Ones

Mack Attack

Witch Bitch had added My Husband to the chat

My Husband
Hello humans
I come in peace

Spider Mom
Hey sweetie, how are you doing?

Witch Bitch
I'm fine.

My Husband
She's sitting on the couch, eating out of a tub of ice cream

Arrow Man
what kind tho?

Witch Bitch
cookie dough...

Spider Mom
Oh, god. Dani, my sweet girl...

Arrow Man
I'm going to fucking kill stan.

Why does the flavor matter?

Mack Attack
depending on her mood, the flavor changes. mint chocolate chip is really happy, raspberry is a meh kinda mood, cookie dough is the worst


Witch Bitch
you guys know me too well

Spider Mom
We love you very much.

Tucker the Fucker has left the chat

Spider Mom

My Husband
Oh god guys she's crying what do I do

Spider Son
my poor mom :(

It breaks my heart seeing her this way.
Has anyone talked to him?

Arrow Man

My Husband
i gtg she's crying even harder, good job guys

Spider Mom
I'm going to cry. Tell her we love her.

Behind the Big Screen [S.S]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora