Chapter 6

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Both Jin Young and Dae Hwi went back to their respective rooms after that emotional rollercoaster.

Jin Young changed up and lie down on his bed, staring at the ceiling blankly. His thought drifted to what happened earlier, on to why he was jealous of Dong Hyun. He couldn't sleep. 10 minutes passed, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, he still couldn't stop thinking about it. Frustrated, he got up and took out his dairy.

He switched on the small lamp attached to his dairy and clicked his pen. Before he knew it, he started to pen down his thoughts.

"Dear Dairy,

I don't know why am I feeling this way every time Dae Hwi treats someone better than me. I don't know why am I jealous. Recently, I have fallen into his charms... But... I don't think this is liking him right...? I mean, I do like his as a friend but as a partner... Do I? I really don't know. He seems so cute every single time, and he always find ways to sit with me. Even in the waiting room, somehow, we would be sitting to each other. I love his presence. I love him..."

He stopped writing. 

"I love him."

He stared at those 3 words. 'Did I really just wrote that? Are you crazy Bae Jin Young?' he smacked himself. Quickly, he took his pen and scribbled over those words, wanting to think he wrote it carelessly. He clicked his pen and closed his dairy, placing it back from where it came. 

He laid on his bed once again closing his eyes, trying to get some rest before the announcement of their new mission tomorrow morning. He was kind of nervous, kind of excited, kind of sad, kind of... There was this empty feeling in him. The program was coming to an end, with the uncertainty that he would make it to the final debut group. 

The very next day, they stood in one of the studios again, where BoA announced the new mission, and it was the very final mission given to them. They listened to the songs for their final mission and both of the songs sounded so good, all of them had a long time choosing which song they would want to perform. After deciding for so long and selecting their positions in the two respective songs, they were divided into their groups and as usual, practise started as soon. Again, Dae Hwi and Jin Young wasn't in the same group but they were even saddened by the fact that all these hardwork for the program would be coming to an end and if both of them don't get to debut together, it would be rare to meet up again as they might both be busy with their own schedules. Pushing aside those thoughts first, they had to focus on their current mission and they even have to come out with the choreography themselves. Not only that, there was only 12 days left and they had to do all those, plus another song that all 20 of them would sing together. They had to practise 2 songs, come up with the choreography for 1 of the songs, and record their songs. Compared to the other time, 12 days were sufficient to do all those, but it wouldn't be easy. 

12 days later, would be the live broadcast of their final episode, and it will determine who would make it to the top 11 and debut in the new group. They were filled with many emotions. 

11 days left,

Practising continues, memorising their parts and continue to complete the choreography.

10 days left,

Trainers coming to check how much they have progressed so far, improving on certain parts based on the feedbacks, and endless of practise. 

9 days left,

They had to finalise their choreography and start to record for the song.

8 days left, 

They were introduced to the song that will be sang by all the 20 remaining trainees, named 'Always'. It was a sad acoustic song with very meaningful lyrics. It has been 4 months together, and there were though times and happy times, and all of that would be remained as an experience, as a memory. Recording started on the same day, and they had to start memorising the lyrics.

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