4. The Date

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18 years ago

"How do I look?" Daniella asked twirling around showing her dress to Lizzy through web cam. "For the thousandth time, I am telling you. You look beautiful! Now stop making me repeat the same line again and again." She groaned at end. Daniella chuckled silently and looked herself in mirror again.

She was wearing a dark purple strapless dress with a deep v-cut neck and it stops till her mid thighs. With that she wore nude high heels. A whistle blew which made Daniella turn around. "Damn you Ella, those heels you are wearing is making your legs look longer." She chuckled at Lizzy's comment. She applied some lip-gloss and eyeliner. Smiling at her look, she turn around facing the web cam again.

"I'm done." She states. "I hope this date goes well."

"Oh please! This date will be something you'll remember forever!" Lizzy squealed in excitement. Daniella took a deep breath.

You can do, sure you can, she thought. "Here I go-" Lizzy clap her hands fantically "-for nothing." Daniella muttered the last two words.

Ending the call, she decended down from stairs, walking towards kitchen. Her mother, Diana Monrovo, was busy shaking her body, dancing in the song 'Chandelier' by Sia while preparing dinner.

Daniella giggled at her mother's silly robotic moves. "Mom, you'll never able to do those moves." She says pointing at the moves Diana was trying to do. "Oh dear! Look at you!" Diana said with an awe look. Daniella twirl around and spoke, "How do I look?" "Beautiful dear! And what's the occasion?" Diana asks with a smirk while raising her eyebrow.

"Oh you know, I have a date."Daniella whispered. "Sorry dear, what did you say?" Diana ask again, putting her hands near her ear acting like she can hear more clearly. "I said I have a date!" She said a little bit louder with irritation.

"And I thought there was suppose to be no secrets between you and me, right?" Diana mumbled. "Huh?"

"You are going on a date with your boyfriend and you didn't tell me at all?" Daniella chocked her own saliva. "No, no! I'm going on a date with a stranger, or should I rather put it like that, I'm going on a blind date." She says with a smile.

"Blind date?" Diana was still confused. Daniella took a deep breath before saying, "Long story short, Lizzy's mother wanted her to have a boyfriend but Lizzy don't have courage to tell her that she already has one. So she thought that me going on this date will be much better."

"Oh, I didn't know Lizzy has a boyfriend. What's his name?" Diana asked while she was slicing tomatoes. "Some guy name Ashton." Daniella answered with confusion as she couldn't remember his full name. "You mean Ashton Hamilton?" Daniella points her finger at her mother, "Yup! That's the guy."

Diana huffs in anger. She sets knife aside near chopping board and faces her daughter, "That boy is nothing but a bad news. I want you to tell Lizzy to stay away from him." She turns around continuing chopping tomato. "And I also want you away from him. He'll be a bad influence on you."

"Don't worry mom! I don't know him and I'll never try to know more about him." Daniella promised. She looks at her watch and gets panicked. "7:45pm. Shit! I'm going to be late." She runs up back to her room, grabs her purse and zoomed downstairs like a lightning bolt. "Slow down honey!"

"I might be staying at Lizzy's place. I'll let you know, okay?" "Okay dear. Have fun!"

* * *

"8:00 pm"

Kyle appeared to the Belcher restaurant thirty minutes earlier. He was fiddling his tux sleeves, practicing how to introduce himself to his date. He was nervous, beyond heck. Why was he nervous? He is handsome, smart, one of the top students in academics and also co-captain of basketball team. But why was he? Because this was a date. A date where he might have chance to meet a girl and maybe hope for something more than meaningless flings. Sure he never dated nor humped and dumped girls because he wanted to keep it special for the right one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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