"Hey." she said, moving the strap of her bag higher on her shoulder.

She discreetly looked him over. He was wearing dark stone washed jeans with a mint green shirt and a red bomber jacket slung over his shoulder.

She stepped forward and up close, she could see the light dusting of freckles across his cheeks, the acne scars on his jaw, the tan of his skin and his eyes that were a mix of chocolatey honey magic. Lily's heart ached at the sight of him because how could someone be flawed yet so breathtakingly perfect?

"What are you looking at?" he asked, though she was sure he knew the answer.

She laughed, gesturing him to come into the house. "What do you think I'm looking at?"

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"You seem really excited." she commented, trying to hold back the smile threatening to show on her face.

"I am." he replied, and Lily swore she could feel every species of butterflies in her stomach at how his voice dropped an octave lower.

Lily quickly said her good byes to her mum and Petunia, knowing that if she stayed any longer her mum would keep talking to James until the sun went down. Only after she reached the gate did she see the sleek black car parked outside.

"That's your car?" she asked, turning to James with a bewildered look.

"Yeah." he said as he fished out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the passenger door for her.

"You're going to drive? You can drive?" she asked, even more surprised.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" he asked, opening the door for her, "Of course I can drive. How do you think I came here?"

Lily sat down and James jogged over to the driver's side.

"It's just... You being a pureblood and all." she said as she strapped on the seat belt, "I didn't think you would know."

"I thought we'll go the muggle way today." he said as he pushed in the keys and started the engine.

"I can trust you with a broomstick, but a car..." she trailed off, unsure, "You can drive, right?"

He shrugged. "We'll see."

Lily closed her eyes. Jesus, take the wheel. Literally this time.

And in a few minutes, they were speeding down the street towards the highway.

"Okay. I might have been wrong." Lily said, when she realized that James could actually drive properly.

"Told you." he said, grinning.

She reached forward and switched on the radio. Hello, Goodbye by Beatles started playing.

"That's my favourite." she said as the same time James said, "My song!"

"It seems we have more in common than I thought." she said and he nodded in reply.

James started singing along to the song and Lily realised that his voice isn't as bad as the last time she had heard.

"I'm glad you don't sound as horrible as you did when you were drunk."

"Shush!" he said placing a finger on his lips, "It's a silent agreement that we don't talk about that night."

"Why not?" she asked. She felt her heart rate pick up. And suddenly she was panicking. Did he remember what had happened - or almost happened - that day?

"Sirius told me what happened that day."

"So you still don't remember anything?" she asked again.

Letters From A Stranger || James and Lily ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant