
" There you are! " Lottie snickered.

I walked downstairs, making my way towards the table. I grabbed my plate of waffles and dug in. Fizzy sat near our windows on the right, gathering her drawing utensils.

I caught Lottie scanning my body, making a weird face. " What are you wearing? "

" Umm...clothes. " I took another bite of my waffle.

" I know that, smartie pants! Now answer my question correctly. " She folded her arms.

I'm wearing a pink shirt with white spenders and white pants. I ruffled my sleeves up, showing off some muscle.

" Well, what does it look like I'm wearing? "

" A outfit that should've been thrown back into the closet. " She mocked.

" Oui! I'll have you know that spenders are unique! It's better then boys sagging their pants till it touches the ground. "

Lottie nodded in agreement. " True, no comment there. " She dug through her purse, grabbing her car keys. " Are you ready? "

" For bed, always." I grabbed my plate, silverware, and placed them in sink. " But for school, never. "

" Whatever, let's head out! " Lottie replied. She grabbed her purse and book bag, she walked towards the door; unlocking it. Fizzy followed behind her. I grabbed my backpack, it was heavier then I expected.

" Why the hell is this bag so heavy?! I haven't even gotten homework yet, and it's weighting my back. " I huffed.

" Louis, quit your complaining and head on out! " Lottie exited out of the house first before Fizzy and me. I rolled my eyes while walking towards our car. It was a dark blue dodge car, we purchased it this summer.

" You know, if you keep rolling your eyes, they might end up getting stuck like that. " Fizzy commented.

" You know, if you keep lecturing me, I end up caring less. " I shrugged. She rolled her eyes.

" Why do you have to be so mean! " Fizzy jerked the car door open, and hopping in the back seat. I sat on passenger's side, and closed the door gently.

" It's called being sassy, not mean. Learn the difference. " I buckled my seat belt, and pull the mirror down to fix my hair.

" No, it's called being a douchebag! You learn the difference. " Fizzy shot back, then crossed her arms, trying to prove a point.

" Whatever, I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with a child. " I huffed.

" I'm 14. "

" And your point is? "

Fizzy smiled. " You're just mad that I made a good point!, and you didn't! Admit it! "

" The only thing I'm admitting is not giving a flying fu- "

" Louis! " Lottie scolded.

I snapped my head so fast, I heard a crack from my neck; could've broken it. I sighed in relieved. " Jeez Whiz-Don't scared me like that again! You could've given my a heart attack. "

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