"Oh shut up." Harper says with another kick to my shin. "It is exactly my point you could have any girl fall head over heels in love with you. You could marry, have kids-"

"Harper I don't want any of that. Not now anyway..."

"You are kind Callum and good looking."

"Should I leave you to alone?" BJ jokes with his eyebrows raised.

BJ is a cousin on my mum's side and he looks very much like a typical Jacobs. I look a lot like my dad I definitely got that Italian blood. Back in college I had a man bun, now my hair isn't so long but still has that shaggy look. Along with the dark hair, olive skin and other Italian features I inherited from my dad I was lucky to inherit my mum's blue eyes.

My pager beeps as though the hospital realised I was actually having a nice time.

"You have to go?" Harp asks and she actually looks sad, I'm sure it is just the pregnancy hormones.

"I'm sorry guys but yeah. I'm on call for the ER tonight. See I can do more than just heart surgery." I give Harper a sly smile and she laughs.

"Will you come visit us?" Harper asks.

"There is always a room for you." BJ adds.

"Of course I'll visit. I'll even come to stay when the baby is born, I'll help you guys out around the house, be your slave for a few weeks."

"Thank you Callum." Harper pulls me into a hug, her pregnant belly intruding.

"We love you man." BJ pats my back.

"I love you guys too. Travel safe yeah?"

As I leave my uncle's gourmet New York restaurant I leave a scan of my card at the bar making sure Harper and BJ's meal is on me. BJ will hate it but it is the least I can do for them looking out for me.

Rod is waiting for me and he gets me to he hospital quickly. I hold my hospital I.D in my hand as I through reception.

"Good evening Dr Valentino. Thank you so much for coming in." Margie one of the night nurses says with a smile.

"Margie how many times have I asked you to call me Callum?"

"Roughly four hundred." The fifty year-old nurse says with a grin. Margie trades my leather jacket for my white doctors coat.

"Are you ever going to listen to me?"


"So where am I tonight?"

"Danielle is off because of her sick daughter so you will be running the ER until Dr Prescott arrives for his shift."

I run my hand through my hair wishing I slept more between my last shift and dinner. My body was good at handling the lack of sleep that came with this job but I hoped by some miracle that Dr. Eddie Prescott arrives early for his shift.

"Ok lead the way." Margie hands me a clipboard and tells me about the current patients we have in emergency. She explains that some of the nurses are in triage and leaves me to my work taking her place back at reception.

"Doctor?" A nurse whose name I'm not sure of calls to me from of the triage rooms. "I have a thirty year old female, unresponsive with contusions over her body."

"Who bought her in?"

"She did herself, collapsed in reception."

"Ok have her moved to her own bed. Keep an eye on her oxygen levels and treat the contusions. I'll stop in on my rounds."

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