Both dad and the doctor seemed to find my fear of the needle funny. "Sam you're due for these shots and have been for a while. Dad said it's tough getting you here." I did a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah sure I maybe due for this, but we can do it another time." Dad leaned over top of my torso. He looked at me and smiled. "Sam do you wanna go out to eat when we're done?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "You're bribing me aren't you? I don't wan.." That's when the doctor jabbed my leg with the needle. So I screamed. "Sammy it's okay. Settle down we're almost done." I wasn't prepared for the second needle. Dad was trying to distract me. "Sweetie you're being very loud. Everyone is gonna wonder if we're killing you in here."  I was trying to wipe away the tears. "Are we done yet dad? My leg hurts." Dr Green turned to us. "I have two more and then we'll be done. You can have your favourite treat when I'm done. I always get one every time you are coming." He patted my knee. He really was a good doctor. "Okay I will try to behave." I was sweating, crying, and felt gross. Dad was still on top of me to hold me down. I was in pain and wanted to literally die. I almost passed out from the pain of the other needles. "Okay hun' we're finally done." Dad got up as I did. "How's the pain?" I smiled. "I can deal with it." He handed me a tissue. "Thanks." He rubbed my arm. "Here's your favourite. I'm sorry about the pain. I just wanted to save you from the arm. You don't have a lot of fat up there anymore. Be good and we'll see you in a month with more meat on your bones. Got it munchkin?" I hopped off the table. Dad helped me out. I saw the looks on everyone's faces. "Dad they're staring at us." "That's because you screamed bloody murder. So I'd stare at you too if I were them." I pulled out a cookie from the bag. He always made them before I came. I was his favourite patient. Always have been. 

As we were walking to the car I heard camera's going off. "You gonna be okay?" "Yeah dad I will be fine. I'm trying to ignore the camera's. Can you help me into the car? My leg is acting up." "Yeah of course. Has that cut healed yet?" "Almost dad, and hurry please." They were approaching us before we could even get into the car. "Dad! They're getting closer." "Come here love." He hugged me and tried concealing my face. "George is it true that Margaret Jones is back on cocaine after giving birth to twins? And that her husband is a pedophile? Are you aware of the potential dangers he could cause? Did you know he was acquitted of attempted murder charges five years ago?" Dad was shocked. "Um I'd like it if you two would kindly leave us alone. We don't need this right now." They kept pestering us. I looked over to them and they snapped a picture. I was starstruck. I didn't want to believe them. "Who do you work for?" "We um work for TMZ, and this other magazine corp. Please Sir don't be mad. We're only new on the job. Please forgive us." Dad was a little bit mad. "Yeah I don't blame you kids for doing your jobs, but invasion of privacy is a thing." He then turned to me. "We've got something to do before we go to lunch baby." He then helped me into the car. "Have a nice day gentlemen. We'll see you again." He got into the drivers side and started the car. 

We were driving in a place where we don't normally drive. I was eating the rest of my cookies. "Dad where are we going? We never travel this way." "You'll see when we get there." "Okay I trust you." We eventually got there after finding a parking spot. He helped me out of the car. We went into this building thing. "Dad where are we? I've never been here before." "I have been here multiple times. For many different reasons. You'll know where we are when we get into the office more." I was intrigued. "Oh so this is an office? Do you work here dad?" "No it's not my record studio. It's a place." We walked through this door. As soon as we walked into the room I knew where we were. He had a hold of my hand. 

They were shocked to see us. "George what are you doing here bud?" I recognized Harvey from the t.v. "I'm here to kindly ask you to not print the story of whoever sent the camera boys to my doctors office. I am tired of my privacy being invaded on personal trips. I get like big events are typical, but when I'm at the doctor's office Harvey that is a little invasive. I get it's your job to follow us around, but please bare with me on this one. How'd you even know I was there?" "We were tipped of by someone George. I'm sorry about this. I've explained this to them so many times to leave you guys alone. I apologize George." He shook his hand. "No worries Harvey. Can I ask who tipped you off? It wasn't Fadi was it?" Harvey kinda laughed for a moment. "No it was a woman. She sounded higher than a kite. Sounded a little like Maggie." Dad face palmed. "It most likely was. Do you know anything about her going back on coke?" I held onto his arm while they spoke. "We got an anonymous tip she has been seen going to her dealer's house again. Didn't she just have twins a month ago?" "Yeah she did. They're not in her care right now. Her sister has them. Where is she? We haven't seen her for about a month." "Uh the last we saw her was two days ago and she looks awful. Her face was all sunken in and she was rail thin." "My god she looks awful. Where was this taken?" "Outside of her home." Dad sighed. "I haven't seen her this bad before. I've got to see her. Thank you for helping me out Harvey. I appreciate it a lot." He patted dad on his back before giving him a side hug. "No worries man. I think we'll figure this out. I'll take down the story before anyone sees it. Take care of yourself and we'll see you soon." He said a few words and we were on our way.

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