I'm sorry

She mouthed but it all happened so fast, her body fell limped on the ground, I ran into her direction but no matter how much I ran I was stuck in the same place. I watched as someone took her body away, she was limped and enough for me to know she had died.

"No!" I screamed running after them. I was pulled back by Maximus, "You're the only left!" He screamed through the rain, "We have to bring you back" I slurred my "No" looking around the bodies everywhere. Two in particular stood out, "Mother, Father!" I ran towards their body but failed to see a Hybrid fly past me but once again, instead of getting stabbed, my brother stood in front of me. "Brother!" He fell back onto my arms, tears continued to fall like the rain. His eyes slowly closed as he raised his hand to touch my face only to limp midway. "No!" I cried out holding his head.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty but we have to go now!" Maximus forcefully pulled me back and pushed me inside the carriage. A lady was already waiting to wrap me in a blanket, all the while I stared in daze, I felt so numb. I had lost so much that day.

I came home as Queen of the North, yet no one i loved awaited in the castle for me.


Lamia POV

I stood in front of the flowers as I carefully watered them, making sure that I wouldn't miss one. Casie stood beside me as we did our duty silently. after the long silence, I heard her hum next to me, "If you were going to live as a flower in your next life what would you be?" She asked. I looked at her funnily before chuckling and shaking my head slightly. "Serious" She faced my direction so I had to go around her figure to continue.

"I'll most likely be a sunflower see?" She pointed at the sunflowers near us that directed themselves towards the sun, "Why?" I asked but was only paying her half attention. "Dunno maybe because they mean happiness to others and that's what I think about myself" I stared at her with the grin she always wore. I nodded my head "I agree" Her smile widened though I only reciprocated a slight one.

"Ok something's wrong, what is it?" She asked again, I groaned internally not feeling up to anything today, "I don't know Casie, I've been having a bad feeling the whole day" I shrugged at her looking at her with a scrunched forehead. I shook my head hoping to shake off the bad feeling only to fail. "Right, you don't have to hide that I'm annoying you know I get it a lot" She sighed before silently watering the plants again. I sighed feeling worse about how I acted.

"I would be a Lily" I voiced out catching her attention, she smiled at me and asked me that same thing I asked her, I hummed thinking "I don't know, lilies are pretty I guess and we have a lot in this garden" I looked around the range of different coloured Lilly, there were white ones, pink and yellow. "Sure but they only started blooming recently" She replied, "Must be the season" I answered back before walking towards a single lily and gently pouring on to it, "Must be" I heard Casie mutter.

Suddenly a sharp pain in my head made me drop the watering can, Casie failed to notice and i gripped my head and she turned once I slightly released a yelp. "Lamia!" She exclaimed positioning herself beside me, "Hold on" She picked my figure up without a struggle before running into the castle. "Where is Queen Theia?" Casie frantically asked a servant while they shrugged in response. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach making me yell slightly "Casie" I whimpered, she held me close before running into the direction of our new chamber. She placed me on the bed before grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat forming on my body. There was a servant that passed by and Casie called out to her, "The servants are saying that the Queen left due to a serious problem at section 4"

It was getting harder and harder to breathe as I felt my body slowly killing itself inside, "Cas-" I screamed in pain as the pain increased, Casie held my hand her face held confusion and anger, "What is happening in section 4?" I heard her say under her breathe. She couldn't do much more than stroke my hand. I panted heavily before turning my body to look outside. Casie noticed and she rushed on the window, "The Queen!" I only heard the sounds of horses and screams outside the castle. "Hang in there Lamia, I'll get some help" I heard the sound of her feet rushing out. I felt heavy weight on my chest.

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