Chapter Five

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I am glancing out the window of the room with the pale pink sheets; I’ve come to know it as my own. And there is Alex and his marvelous eyes, his tanned, muscular arms, his torso fit by a tight black t-shirt, and it’s finished off with a pair of jeans. His eyes are glittering, and even if the rest of his face is a blur, I can tell he is smiling. I am dashing down the stairs and shouting a goodbye to the brunette woman- my mother, of course- and then I am out the door, my arms instantly around Alex’s neck.

            “Whoa, Blue, someone’s a little joyous,” he chuckles, before tightening his arms around my waist, “it’s okay, I’m glad to see you too.”

            I jolt up, and my heart is racing, my mind a constant soundtrack of Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue. My name. My name is Blue and Alex was happy to see me! Blue, Blue, Blue!

            “My name is Blue!” I shout to anyone who is listening, “I’m Blue!”

            “Indeed, it seems you are,” the speaker crackles, “Glad you finally figured it out.” Somehow, the scratchiness sounds a little more human, and comforting. Then again, I think anything would sound good right now.

            I try to spin around the room out of joy, but the heavy boots prevent that just a bit. Oh, well. I can spin in my mind. Laughter bubbles out of me, and it feels so natural. How insane that something as simple as knowing my name could provoke these happy feelings.

            My mind stutters to Alex, and I wonder how the rest of his face looks. If his face is half as perfect as his eyes, I think I might go into cardiac arrest.

            “Would you, ah, like to see your face?” The voice crackles uncertainly.

            “Of course I would!” I screech out.

            “Maybe you’ll discover the origin of your name.”

            A part of the wall begins to revolve, a shiny surface replacing the once gray wall. The other side of the room comes into view in the surface, and I gasp.

            “It’s a mirror,” the electronic voice informs me, “If you stand in front of it, you’ll be able to see yourself.”

            Suddenly, I am overcome with fear. After all this time of not knowing the person I truly am, I will see myself. I walk slowly over to the mirror, and stand in front of it. The person looking back at me widens her eyes, and I feel mine do the same. Except she’s me. She isn’t a different person. I have huge, wide bright blue eyes. Even bluer than Alex’s, as his are a dark blue, like the depths of the ocean, and mine are lighter than anything I thought possible. Like a clear sky, the pastel blue that you see right before the clouds come. I had perfectly shaped eyebrows, which struck me as odd since I hadn’t done anything to make them that way. My nose, dotted with the faintest of freckles, turned slightly up at the end. My cheek bones were high, and the hollows below them were, well, hollow. Traveling further down, my lips were a deep pink, and they were very full. My hair, a dark blonde was quite the contrast to my pale skin. I was very pretty, if you were allowed to say that of yourself.

            “Wow,” I breathed out, “I’m Blue. Because of my eyes, no?”

            “Seems to be so, my dear,” the voice said smoothly.

            “Would you leave me this… ah, mirror? Would you leave me this mirror?” I inquired, softly.

            “I suppose.”

A/N: Okay so, first five chapters are up! Woo. I know there’s only around 9 people reading this but if there’s anything that isn’t clear or that you want to ask just comment or something and I’ll try to get back to you, yeah? Also let me know if you want faster updates cause I can probably manage that for the next few chapters since they’re already written. Only up to chapter 10 though.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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