Chapter 3

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"Everyone settle down."as the middle aged man entered the classroom. "We're going to take the attendence."

I heard a hissing sound. I looked up from my book and not surprisingly it was from Nana from the front seat.

"Pssss, Rio" hissed Nana as she waved her hand at the back of the chair.

As much I wanted to ignore, I had to reply.

"The teacher will hear us."

"Rio, can you give me your homework that Kuro-sensei gave us yesterday? I totally forgot about it, again."

She usually does that. With her band practices, she tends to neglect her homework and she usually copies mine at the last minute.  Surprisingly teacher never finds it out, I guess they got too lazy or just don't give a damn.

"Were you practicing with your band the whole day?" said Kiyoko from across the seat.

"I can't help it. SInce we lost the last competition, we have been practicing as ferociously as ever." as she whispered harshy."We swore that we will triumph that ass of a ba-."

"Ms Osaki." said the teacher suddenly.

Startled by  serial killer-face sensei, Nana suddenly stood up "YES!" with a soldier posture. I don't blame her, the teacher looks like he broke out of a jail with a voice that makes a lion sound like a kitten. Seriously, he sounds scary.

The whole class started to laugh.

"You don't even need to bother saying "yes" anymore. Your voice echoing the whole classroom and your parrot hair is evident enough that you're present." said the satan-like-voice teacher, as his bald head shone under the classroom lights. 'Wouldn't you mind explaining the whole class what was so interesting that you had to- "

The classroom door suddenly slide open and it was led by a tall and slim guy. His light brown hair was in a mess and his shirt buttons were misplaced. Suddenly all the girls started to swoon and all the guys cheered for him like he was winning an award for being the most late. What an epic entrance.

 "What's your excuse this time, Mr.Itou?" as serial killer face sensei adjusted his long ruler and smack it upon his palm.

One thing about serial killer face sensei that he always addresses everyones by their surname and add respective pronouns. When he does, it makes his face and voice so scary that it sends a chill down your spine. Just him calling your name makes you want to break a sweat and run for your life.

Hikaru rubbed his head and ponding while his colorful bracelets clung to each other on his arm. He smiled to Serial killer face sensei and said,"I'm sorry sensei, but i was watching the Lord of the Rings marathon last night. I forgot to check the time and overslept."

The whole class roared in laughter.

"It's so boring. All they do is talk." shouted a guy 

 "It was really good!" Hikaru protested."It has some of the best monlogues and quotes. Let me show you the best quote."

"Oh you won't mind me borrowing the ruler , Abe sensei?" as Hikaru snatched his long ruler before sensei could say anything.

 "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" as Hikaru extended his arms while banged sensei's forehead.

The stare that sensei gave him afterward was enough to make him gulp for life.

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