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Ok I didn't really do a very good job with this one.

Ok I didn't really do a very good job with this one

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It's a swarm of bees. No really it is. And the sky is teeming with them.

Ok I only really did this because my sister dared me to after jokingly saying I could draw a scribble and call it a swarm of bees after looking up the definition of teeming to try to get synonyms for ideas.

Yeah not something very good, but don't worry I have something even better!

I had a creepy dream last night!

You guys don't mind these chapters where I talk about my dreams do you? Because sometimes they're fun to talk about. I have at least five dreams that I could write an entire book series about.

Anyway, I don't remember much of my dream up to a certain point (actually I think the dream might've just changed and started right where I remember) but everything after that is super clear, like creepily clear.

So my dream started with me walking around my house looking for my brother. I don't remember why I was looking for him I just was. I went out into the garage to find him summoning some spirits.

Okay you know how you are having a dream and you suddenly have memories of doing things and all that? Apparently in this dream my family was a target of evil spirits and supernatural (not the show) beings, and so we knew how to take care of ourselves in these situations. Our whole house had this magical protection around it and nothing could get in. I also carried around a special powder that could repel evil spirits and such.

The spirits that my brother had summoned were called the Dryaer (it sounds like dry-air, but said together and smoothly so it sounds cool) and there were three of them, and they could grant any favor. When you asked for your third favor however, they took you down to Hades. In the dream I had already asked for two favors before I found my brother summoning them. (Technically I wasn't allowed to do that, but I did anyway, probably the most realistic part of my dream)

I marched right over to my bother in the hopes that I could stop him from summoning them fully before it was to late. I got him inside the house (and locked him in), but not before The Dryaer were summoned. They had to speak to me through the cat door because of the magical protection.

Here's a sketch I did of them:

Here's a sketch I did of them:

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