The Night of the Comet-Part 2

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     I was in the kitchen digging through the freezer, fridge, and pantry searching for my stuff to make sundaes

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     I was in the kitchen digging through the freezer, fridge, and pantry searching for my stuff to make sundaes. I figured if I was going to tell Elena everything that Damon told me about Stefan that I should be making a comfort sundae for her. I already told Jenna everything that he told me and she agreed about the comfort sundae. I heard Elena coming down the stairs and Jenna and I looked at each other nervously.

     "Hey, Lena. How is my extra special, beautiful sister tonight," I said to her nervously with an over exaggerated smile. I looked over at Jenna to see that she was giving Elena that same look as me.

     "What did you two do," She questioned us.

     I looked over at Jenna again and she just shrugged her shoulders at me in response. "Nothing," I said to her while shrugging myself. I then pushed a bowl towards her. "Sundae," I questioned.

     She looked at me in worry, probably on to my plan. "You only make sundaes when there is bad news and people are going to need comfort," She said to me in confusion.

     Oh crap, I was right. I then sighed, giving up on trying to be casual. "You may want to sit down," I told her sadly. 

     So I then proceeded to tell her about how Stefan didn't tell us about Damon and everything that Damon told me about Stefan and his past relationship. Except I left out the part about Damon telling me that being different is okay and the hidden meaning behind his words I still have yet to understand and discover. 

     "So, in conclusion, he is on the rebound and has raging family issues," I told her sadly while finishing up my sundae and grabbing the chocolate sauce to put on top of it.

     "Well, at least it's an ex-girlfriend. Wait till you date a guy with mommy issues or cheating issues. Or amphetamine issues," She told Elena while smiling and holding an apple. I then made a disgusted face at all the guys with issues that she has dated. I am amazed that she dated guys like that. However I guess they do come off as normal at first.

     "I just wish he didn't have issues at all," Elena said frustrated while eating the sundae I made her.

     "Yeah, trust me I do to sis. Mostly because his brother is the mystery guy I met at The Grill and he is capital H-O-T HOT," I told her happily. She then proceeded to chuckle at what I said in amusement. We all three then looked over towards the front door when we heard it open and shut all of the sudden. Elena and I looked over at Jenna and then back at each other with wide eyes when we saw how angry Jenna looked.

     "Jeremy," She said to our brother, him turning in response to his name. He just gave all three of us a look and ignored Jenna, making his way up to his room. "Jeremy, where were you," She said while stomping out of the kitchen and towards the stairs where our brother was. Elena and I looked at each other and shook our heads in response to our brothers attitude and then turned back to what was going on at the moment, both of us lifting a spoon full of ice cream up to our mouths at the same time.

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