Pilot-Part 1

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Third Person POV

"For over a century I have lived in secret. Hiding in the shadows. Alone in the world. Until now. I am a vampire. . . and this is my story."


A young couple is driving through the dark, eerie night in their black SUV. One of them is a young girl with long, blonde hair. The other was a young, man with short, cropped, brown hair currently complaining of the event they just attended.

"An hour's drive to hear that crap," He complained. "You know it wasn't even a band, a guy with a guitar. An hour each way."

"He wasn't that bad," The young girl defended.

"He sounded like James Blunt," The young man argued.

"What's wrong with that," She questioned her boyfriend while giggling.

"We already have a James Blunt. One's all we need," He stated.

Stopping her giggling, she inquired, "So why did you come?"

"Because I love you," he confessed to her with a smile.

"Nicely done," The young blonde praised, a smile lighting up her face at his words.

They continue down the dark road with no sound but the radio playing softly in the background, their hands intertwined between them. As they continued their travels, a dense fog began forming across the road. Making it difficult for them to see in front of them.

"What's with all the fog," The young girl questioned.

"It'll clear in a sec'," Her boyfriend reassured her.

The young girl looks forward and notices a man wearing all black standing in the middle of the road.

"WATCH OUT," The blonde screamed with a gasp.

The black SUV rammed into the unknown man, shattering the windshield. He flies through the air and over the vehicle, landing on the ground with a sickening cracking sound. The car comes to a screeching halt after spinning 360 degrees in the middle of the rain-soaked road. The two of them sit in shock, the blonde shaking in her seat and gasping, while her boyfriend appears traumatized from hitting another person. They both turn around in their seats to look out the back of the car, only to see the man lying in the middle of the road no longer moving.

"Are you okay," The young man interrogated.

"We just hit someone! Oh my god," The young girl exclaimed from her seat crying uncontrollably.

Her boyfriend turns to her while unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car, "Call for help," he requested.

He closes the door and begins to cautiously walk over to the man while his girlfriend is sitting in the car in tears trying to call 911.

"Come on, come on, come on," she sobs into the phone waiting for it to dial.

"Please be alive," The brunette man pleaded while walking over to the suspected dead human.

He kneels next to the body checking to see if he is alive, noticing he is not breathing. While checking over the body his eye catches something on the man's hand. Reaching for his hand and taking a look at it he realizes it's a silver ring with a blue stone.

"Oh my god," he stated while looking over the ring.

He continues to glance over the body, breathing heavily. All the sudden the man that was thought to be dead reaches for his throat and lets out a bestial growl while forcefully biting into his neck. Back in the car, the man's girlfriend soon gives up trying to call 911 and hangs up her phone. The blonde unbuckles her seatbelt, sitting in the seat for a minute, then proceeds to open her door and step out of the car, unaware of what was previously happening to her boyfriend in the middle of the road.

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