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Evan and I sit in comfortable silence as we do our own things. Our discord call has been going for a few hours now, we started recording at around 6 and it just turned 11.

Our friends had left one by one, either having something to do, or just needed sleep.

I hear Evan yawn through my headphones and I let out a small chuckle.
"Tired?" I ask quietly, leaning back in my chair.

Evan sighs, "Yeah, long day." He says in a soft voice. My expression turns from content to concerned as I hear the tone in my friend's words.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet all day, and your voice sounds scratchy." I lean closer to my microphone as I speak, and wait for a reply.

I hear Evan sigh again.
"Me and Jake got into an argument earlier today, made my throat sore." Evan reluctantly lets out.

I frown at the thought of Jacob (Jake for short), Evan's boyfriend of six months. He's had a couple relationships that've ended in restraining orders, but Evan says he's changed.

"He didn't... hurt you, did he?" I question with concern, worried about my friend's well-being.

"What? No. He would never." Evan is quick to answer, voice seeming strained and nervous. But that might just be due to his sore throat.

Neither of us speak for a while before I hear distant talking from Evans side of the call.

"I'm pretty tired, I'm gonna go to sleep." Evans voice is quiet and laced with exhaustion. Evan's mouse clicks a few times, I'm guessing he's closing tabs.

"Evan," I start, unsure how to put my thoughts in a complete and coherent sentence. "You know you can talk to me whenever, about anything, right?"

Silence fills the air for a second before its broken,
"Yeah, of course. I will, I promise. Goodnight, Tyler."
Evan says and exits the call before I have a chance to respond.

I hope he's okay.


Hey guys! 0w0

Welcome to my first not-shitpost book :)

If you have any tips on how to improve my writing, I would love to hear them!

And I'm not seeing as many VanCat fics as I would like, so I decided to make my own!

(Plus I love protective Tyler °3°)


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