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I would like to write a story. Now I warn you this story is very violent and cruel and you may think it is horrible but none the less I will write it because these people, this story has been haunting me for years.

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"Excuse me?"

I was fixing up the main desk when I heard this voice; it sounded faintly familiar. But the night was late and we were closed so I immediately wanted to send her away.

"I am sorry m'am but we're closed."

"Cody?" The lady said now sounding very familiar.

My heart froze. I had heard this voice before I knew this voice. It was the voice of my mother. I have no idea how she had found me. I had hoped upon hope that she had given up on me but here she was and here they were. I had to turn around and make sure she left tonight. So that's what I did or at least tried to do.

"Mom, uh um I mean commander I didn't expect you here," I foolishly stuttered.

"You mean you didn't mean for me to find you yet. And quit with this commander crap I'm your mother that means you call me mom," my mom answered back.

Behind me I heard them whispering. By them I mean the men trying to take me back to hell. I had to shake my mom off before they told her just how much happened in the time we'd been apart.

"I'm sorry mom I've had a really long day I should get to bed."

"Ok I'll see you in the morning."

I quickly turned around and ran right into jack, the guy trying to take me back to cutler's place, and his crew. Cutler's place is a living hell. At cutler's place I was forced to kill and tortured for days on end. I have scars covering most of my body to prove it.

"Where ya going Cody we were just about to talk to your mom," Jack said slickly.

Jack hit my in the stomach hard enough to make me double over. Then he bought his foot to my face making me fly back onto my back.

"Not trying to run away were you Cody? Because that is not a good idea especially with your broken ribs," jack said winking at me as I realized with mounting dread that they were going to break my ribs.

I quickly started to crawl back wards but Jack's crew was quicker and two of them stepped on my wrist holding me down. Of course they knew I couldn't fight back here. A couple of others came up to me with wicked smiles on their faces. My mounting fear and anger shone clearly on my face. Then they brought their feet down upon my ribs over and over again until their was a sickening crack and I cried out in pain as my ribs broke. They weren't done yet no they picked me up and continued to splatter my nice uniform with blood, my blood. When they left me I could barely get up off the floor.

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