Chapter 3

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My mom cries out and covers her mouth. I can see she is trying very hard not to cry.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save him, Mom," I said.

*Cody's mom point of view*

My husbands dead was all I could comprehend. I couldn't hear anything else for a couple minutes. Then I remember that my son had to witness that. He had so many scars all of them looked painful. You could tell he blamed himself and that he held a lot of regrets.

I noticed a particular scar that ran down his chest. It was more resent than the others.

"That new scar on his chest what is it from?" I asked a nearby nurse.

"Almost a month ago at around midnight someone came running into the office saying there was someone bleeding in the hall way. Only a couple of us were still here and Jessica was one of them. We all ran down the hallway and Cody was laying there only half way conscience. The knife was still sticking straight up out of him. We brought him here and that's when he woke up. He started freaking out. He ripped the knife out of his chest. Jessica was the only one who could calm him down that's why he only trusts her," the nurse explained.

"Who did it?" I asked tentatively.

"We don't know he wouldn't tell us. Now Jessica makes him come up here every day to see if he has any more cuts or broken ribs. He usually has one or the other and some times both. He won't tell us who does it to him though," the nurse said.

I looked at my son again. His dirty blond hair was a mess, it always was, his pale blue eyes looked frightened, and he had bruises all over his body and face.

"Who did this to you, Cody?" I asked determined to get an answer.

"I can't tell you," Cody said softly.

"Why not? Do you not trust me or some thing?" I asked feeling a little hurt.

"It's not that I don't trust you mom it's that if I tell you they'll hurt you and I can't risk that," Cody almost whispered.

"Cody I can take care of myself just tell me!"


I was angry that he wouldn't tell me but I felt touched to know he cared so much about me.

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