"Ok, that's fine, did you want to follow though?" He asks as I clip Blaine into his seat.

"Sure" she says before getting Brittany into her seat. We were all soon bundled into cars and headed off down the road.

"You excited for tomorrow, bud?" Bas asks Blaine as he looks at the rearview mirror to look at him.

"Uh huh, 'anta 'omes 'night" he tries to explain.

"That's right, Santa does come tonight" he smiles as he focuses back on the road. Blaine's mum and Cooper come over tomorrow morning but that's a surprise for Blaine. Pamela and Cooper wanted to spend Christmas with Blaine, which I totally understood, but Blaine being Blaine, won't go over there on his own if I dropped him off. We soon get there and I set up the double pushchair for the kids.

"In we go" I say as I lift Blaine into his pushchair and clip him in

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"In we go" I say as I lift Blaine into his pushchair and clip him in.

"Ready Brittany?" I ask her as I help Santana out by putting Brittany in her seat while she sorted something out in her car.

"Mummy" Brittany whines as she puts an arm out to reach for Santana.

"It's ok baby, I'll be there in a sec, let uncle Kurt put you in your seat" she tells her. I managed to clip Brittany in her seat and Sebastian took hold of the pushchair.

"Let's go" we head into the store and start to look around.

"I've got everyone's presents" Santana says.

"Oh, why'd you come?"

"Because Brittany wants to get that one over there something" she explains, whispering 'that one' under her breath.

"Blaine?" I mouth to her and she nods.

"Ok, I'll do the same for you" I say to her when I meant Brittany.

"Wook daddy" Blaine gasps as we go past so many toys.

"Yeah" I coo.

"But remember Santa is coming tonight so you can't have anymore toys" I tell him.

"Tay" we start looking around and I find a toy that Brittany my like and made sure to put it in the trolley when she wasn't looking before getting things that I actually need to cover it so she doesn't see it.

"Are you sleeping tonight?" I ask San. As it was just her and Brittany, I thought it might've been lonely for them both so I invited them to stay over for Christmas.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now