Chapter 7

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7/22/2019: Updated to the published version.

Scott rang my doorbell at 10 AM on Saturday morning. I answered it myself, ready to go. He smiled at me as his eyes went down my body and came back up. "You look amazing, Ally."

I frowned at him because I was just wearing jeans and a T-shirt. They weren't skintight or provocative. "Uh, thanks." I exited the house, turned around, and locked the door. He offered his arm to me, and I took it before we headed for the park.

We walked toward the outdoor market and chatted. He was trying to get to know me. I answered most of the same questions the night before with Taylor, but I liked Scott's answers better. He made me laugh.

I thought under different circumstances I could be true friends with Scott. At the market, we took great pleasure finding the craziest things on sale in each booth and showing each other. We laughed a great deal.

At a gypsy-themed booth, we found belly dancer outfits. He begged me to try one on, and I thought it would be funny, so I did. The woman measured my bust and hips and showed me several that would fit me. I chose a sapphire blue one that I thought would go with my dark hair and blue eyes and went into the changing area. It was just large pieces of cloth hung up to provide privacy, but it worked. The lady was watching everything like a hawk, so I didn't fear Scott bursting in on me naked.

When I came out, Scott's jaw dropped, and he just kept staring me.

I smiled. "Pick your jaw up off the ground, Scott."

He closed his mouth with an audible pop and shot me a grin. "Sorry. Damn you look hot, honey."

The woman came up to me and checked the fit before nodding. "Are you interested in learning to belly dance?"

I smiled at her. "I hadn't thought about it before, but I bet it'd be fun."

"Here. Try this." She lifted her arms and swished her hips from side to side. I followed her movements, and she nodded as she watched me. "You would do well."

Scott choked out, "How much?"

The lady and I both looked at him.

He said, "How much for the outfit?"

The woman answered, "One-twenty."

Scott nodded, reached into his pocket, and pulled out some cash.

I objected, "Scott!"

He grinned as he counted out the bills. After handing them to the very happy lady, he told me, "It's yours, babe. Just knowing you own that, and I bought it for you, is going to do wonders for my fantasy life."

The woman laughed and told me, "I teach classes at a dance studio if you're interested."

Scott immediately asked her, "When and where?" She told him, and he said to me, "I'll pay for that too, babe."

I told the woman, "Thanks. I'll think about it," and went back into the changing area. When I came back out, Scott was buying more things from the woman. They looked like sheer scarves. She added my outfit to the bag and handed it to Scott. After we left, I asked him, "What else did you get?"

He grinned. "Seven veils."

I laughed.

We went to the lake and rented a foot pedal boat. Once we were out in the middle of the water, he stopped pedaling and just sat there, seeming to enjoy the sunshine. I looked around for a minute, and when my gaze turned down, I noticed his feet had moved to under the pedals. He locked them in place so I couldn't pedal.

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