Chapter 5

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Your eyes groggily opened, looking up at the ceiling. You pushed yourself up from the couch, rubbing your eyes as you silently yawned.

"Morning, cadet (L/n)." A voice rang in a calm voice.

You turned your head, seeing Levi at his desk, working. A document was in one hand, and a cup of tea was in the other. You rose from your seat and scratched your head. Your hair was a mess from sleeping on it wet so you detangled it with your fingers, lightly. As you did so, you walked over to Levi's desk, taking a pen, you wrote on a white piece of paper. 'Why did you let me sleep here?'

"You weren't leaving without a punishment." He simply said.

You began moving the pen across the paper again. 'And my punishment?'

"Your wording system is so... Well thought." He chimed.

'You didn't answer my question,' you wrote.

"Tch, just turn around and look for yourself. I was just making conversation."

'I don't want your conversation.' You wrote before turning around to a bucket of soapy water and a sponge. Levi glanced down at the paper and read what you wrote, smirking. "Fine. You want it silent? I can be silent... Damn brat being sassy without even speaking."

You sighed, picking up the sponge. You looked to Levi, unsure of what to wash. So you stared at him until he looked up at you.

You stood there for a few minutes until Levi spoke, though he didn't look up from his documents. "The floor, windows, and door. Now get to it."

You nodded and started at the door. You dunked the sponge into the sloppy liquid and began scrubbing the outer frame where the bolts that held the door in place were. You started at the bottom slowly making your way up, re-soaking the sponge every now and then. You made your way to the window. It was a lovely view. It overlooked most of the land. To the left was the horse stables, where Levi's stunning black horse stayed. Then to the right was the training grounds where cadets would practice hand to hand combat. 'Gorgeous,' you thought to yourself.

"Get to work, (L/n)." Levi's deep voice rang. You glared in his direction, followed by him giving a 'tch.' You didn't like him one bit and he knew that. He took advantage of it, just messing with you in any way he could. He wants you to snap and yell at him. That's all he wants, but it was in your best interest that you tried not to let that happen. You don't want him to win.

You scrubbed the white windowsill, noticing that there wasn't any dust. You had heard from some of the other cadets that he was a clean freak but you never believed it. Now, though? Let's find out...

You took the bucket to the center of the room, setting it down gently. "I don't think you're done (L/n)," Levi said, looking up at you. A smirk played on your lips and it didn't go well with Levi. His stomach churned a bit to your reaction. "What... Are you... Doing..." He said, his words drawn out, skeptical of what might happen next.

In one motion, you tipped over the bucket with your foot. The bucket clinked against the wood flooring, spilling out all of the water. Levi's eyes widened and you looked back up to you. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" He shouted, raising from his seat. His fists slammed against his desk, as his grip tightened. It startled you but you stood your ground, not saying a word. "Answer me, right now! That is an order, cadet (L/n)! Say something!"

Your smirk grew into a malicious smile. "I like it when you yell my name, sir."

His cheeks had a faint tint of red and his eyes grew slightly larger, though it didn't last long. His brow furrowed and a growl left his throat. "That is not... What I meant when I said 'Say something.'"

A chuckle left your mouth and you walked towards the door.

"Oh no, you are not going anywhere. Not with insubordination like that!" Levi shouted.

"Would you chill, sir? I'm just going to get a mop. I never said I wouldn't finish my punishment." You said, leaving the room and shutting the door behind you.

Levi stood there a moment but sat back down. He sprawled back in his seat and groaned as he ran his fingers through his slick, black, hair. "This brat is going to be the death of me..." He breathed out.


You strolled down the halls of Headquarters, looking for the nearest supply closet when Commander Erwin spotted you. "Cadet (L/n) why was Levi shouting so much?"

You shrugged, not saying a word.

"Right, I forget you don't speak much... Were you angering him?" His last sentence was hushed.

A smile formed on your face, making Erwin smile back. "I should have known. You really are a piece of work, Cadet. What are you looking for?"

"Supply closet," was all you said.

"Ah, so he's put you to work hmm?" He placed his hand lightly on your lower backside, "Come, I'll lead you to it."

As you walked, Erwin had removed his hand, bringing them to his sides as he walked. You looked up at him as you both made your way down the halls and you couldn't help but take notice of his features. He was a beautiful man. Charming, really. Slicked back, blonde hair. Large and bright blue eyes. He had quite a large build also. Very muscular.

Erwin's eyes flickered down to yours, and you looked away quickly. "Hmm?" he hummed. He chuckled as you avoided eye-contact and continued walking. "Here we are. Have a good day, Cadet." He said before leaving you alone in the hall. You opened the door, picking out the best mop you could find and you made your way back to Levi's office. You shifted open the door, glancing over at Levi.

'I wonder how else I can get under his skin?' You thought.

You shut the door and began swaying the mop back and forth. "I had a lovely conversation with Commander Erwin..." You chimed.

"And why are you telling me this?" Levi glared up in your direction.

"He's quite charming."

"Is he?" You felt Levi's cold stare on your form.

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