"You can't save me, my boy." My heart plummeted from my chest as she showed me her hands, stained with blood, along with her lips, as her eyes began to close. Her heartbeats grew fainter by the second, fear and dread rising in my chest, I knew what was going to happen, but I can't lose her again, not again. Her last words rung in the air, a small smile gracing her lips.

Followed by the continuous beep of a flatline.

"Hey, stay with me, okay, mom? Mom?! Mom, please, wake up, don't leave me, don't leave me, please!! MOM, STAY WITH ME, PLEASE!!" I begged, my screams falling on deaf ears, echoing throughout the room yet falling deaf to the ears I needed them to fall into the most, and instead of my words, my tears fell, my body trembled and shook with sobs. My back heaved with them, shaking my body as my legs barely supported me, but I didn't care if they sent me spiralling to the floor. I didn't care if I drowned in my tears, in my sorrow. My mother was dead.

"Mom, come back to me..." I sobbed quietly, my tears falling from my eyes to her pastel green hospital gown, but she lay still, unmoving on the bed, her hands cold. Her once joyful eyes remained closed, her lively soul...gone. Before I could tell her I missed her, that I loved her.

"You can't save her." A voice chuckled darkly behind me, before cackling wickedly, pure evil in her voice. I looked up, the voice familiar, but in a twisted, cruel way. I turned around, and my heart stopped as I immediately recognized her.

"You can't save her, you can't save her, you can't save her, you can't save her..." Alana cackled maniacally, her cyan blue eyes wide open, staring at me as she laughed deliriously, staggering towards me. Her hazel brown and cyan blue hair was disarray and frazzled, her skin clinging onto her bones unhealthily, her eyes filled with insanity.

"Alana, what-" I worriedly asked, but she leapt onto me, screaming as she pinned me against the wall like a savage, giggling like a lunatic, my heart thumping rapidly in my chest, fear rising into my throat, blocking out every word I wanted to say.

"You can't save her!! YOU CAN'T SAVE HER!!" She shoved my head into the wall, and a blunt, but agonizing pain on the back of my head as my vision went black for a few seconds as I fell to the floor. My head spun drastically, blood leaked down the side of my face, but I forced myself to look upwards, despite the black spots swarming my eyes. The face of the woman I loved stared back, but it was not her. The Alana I knew was loving, caring, with a burning fire in her eyes. The Alana I knew was gone.

"After all, you never did. You never could."

"Leo!!" Alana's voice shrieked, pulled me out of the terrors of my mind as I jolted upright, tears staining my cheeks, drenched in cold sweat, Alana's hands digging into my shoulders desperately. I frantically looked around, nearly scrambling away from Alana before I recognized the familiar setting, where I lived, where I was, the place I came to when I finally escaped that living hell I used to call home. The red hammock I fell asleep on shook precariously with my sudden jolt, and I put my feet down on the floor to stable myself. I looked around, and the curved ceiling of the hideout, the pictures and graphs that lined the walls, I recognized everything. My eyes turned to a distressed Alana, her vibrant, cyan comforting eyes filled with concern, her hair disarray, but she was the Alana I love, my best friend, the one I fell deeply in love with, the one who comforts me at four in the morning when I'm terrified out of my mind, the one who never fails to make me laugh. I wrapped my arms around her, silent tears falling down my face in a fucked up twist of joy and fear as she wrapped her own arms around my chest. I held her closer to me, my tears not so silent now, followed by quiet sobs as we held each other.

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