I was dumbfounded, no one has asked that question for years which left me to completely forget my own name. Though, i remember all the names i was forced to call myself or the names they gave me.

'Lamia' My wolf helped me remember. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, i could see my wolf look down and slighlty nod, her voice was weak and so was she.

"Lamia." I whispered quietly, fiddling with my fingers. My breathing slightly became faster, "How did y-you find me" I said slowly, looking up at him again.

"That is Joffrey, known for killing young girls and we have been searching for years. He cleans his tracks quite well but we finally had a lead and came across this place. We, however, did not expect you" He simply said. He looked at me sympathetically. Knowing what I had been through but at the same time he didn't. No one could truly understand.

"Do you know where to go, do you have a home?" He looked at me questioningly. He went to put his hands on my back though I flinched. He retracted his hand and apologised.

I tilted my head, my face scrunched up in confusion, "Home?" I asked looking down at my fingers. I chuckled lowly.

He hesitantly looked into my eyes and I saw his mouth gape open before slowly closing them, "Child, how old are you?"

I couldn't bring myself to answer knowing I had lost track of time inside that room. I flinched remembering him.

'Twenty-three' A small voice uttered in my head and I knew it was my wolf again, Lisa.

"Twenty-three?" I replied in a questioning way. He nodded ahead slowly and looked outside the window, I can see his hands tighten a little before feeling the car speed up slightly. My eyelids felt heavier by the minute, even though I was worried about the people who were with us..somehow, I felt safe. I cherished the moment knowing I wasn't safe for long, I learned to live like everything is temporary, soon i would be in pain. I stopped hoping that someday they would stop hurting me but it was also my emotions that caused me great pain.

I nodded my head and looked out the window. Watching every individual we passed and thought about how their problems differ from mine, did they suffer the unfortunate fate such as mine? it can only be if all of their worst problems are combined together then I there I am.

I felt the car abruptly stop that my fragile body slightly fly forward but the man next to me held me by my arm with his delicate hands. Too delicate that it made me whimper ever so loudly and flinch away. i looked out embarrassed before i hear the car opening. Turning my head only to see the man waiting for me to leave the caf.

Lisa had her ears perked up while I slowly got out of the car, only to he faced by a huge building that had ivy's at its wall and sharp edges that stood tall near the building. I never knew there was even a bigger place the world other than the room I was held in. I could tell this castle had wider rooms. I looked at the guy beside me who was talking to the driver.

"W-where are we?" I stuttered knowing fully that i have developed it during the days they held me captive.

"The castle" He simply answered. He got out and opened the door for me, some servants in the garden stared at me weirdly, I cowered and looked down, whimpering slightly. A young lady approached us, she bowed her head to the guy standing next to me.

"Casie meet Lamia, I expect for you to work together because she is now a servant here... show her around and teach her everything she needs to know" The guy said, he nodded towards both of us though his eyes seem to linger on me for awhile before he left.

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