Chapter Fifteen - The Flirtatious Lance

Start from the beginning


        "Just wanted to say - are you the internet?"

         "Lance, don't do thi--"

         "Because I can feel the connection," I smirked, starting to flirt. "Big Boss" just glares, "Go back to work."

         Then the man enters his office and slams the door closed behind him. I just shrugged, 'What got under his skin today?'

         I turned around and went back to work. Again, "Big Boss" is a very irritable person and this seemed to be normal. Was he really this way?


I knock on "Big Boss's" white office door, patiently waiting outside. It was almost my break time, wanting to speak to him. I honestly want to know him more. If this man was going to get my attention every time I see him, it's best to at least get to know him better instead of seeing him as a complete stranger. The man's voice replied to my knocks, "Come in."

I entered, shutting the door behind me gently. There sat "Big Boss", typing quickly on the keyboard by his computer. I walked up to his large desk, getting his attention in seconds. "Big Boss" stops typing and looks up at me. "What do you want Lance?" he grunts.

I shrug, "Just wanted to come in and say hi."


I nod.

"Big Boss" sighs in frustration, rubbing his handsome face, "Well, you got work to do."

"But it's my break time."

"Break time is in 5 more minutes, not right now. Go sweep the floor or something," "Big Boss" snapped, irritated.



"Where do you want me to sweep?"

"My office I guess. Just stay quiet and don't mess with my stuff like last time," "Big Boss" answered, going back to his business on the computer. I smile, grabbing a nearby broom and start to sweep. 'Omg! I'm sweeping the guys floor! I get to see that pretty face more!'

I swept for only a couple minutes, catching a couple of hidden glimpses at the man, before being startled by a unknown female dashing in the office without knocking. I do not know the girl, knowing that she does not work here and I've haven't seen her before. She had large glasses and a cute short hair style, wearing clothes that seemed like a casual uniform. The small yet cute girl walks past me, brushing me by accident as she approached "Big Boss".

"Keith? When is the shipment coming!? I'm running low on soil!" the female spoke, her voice full of worry. "Big Boss", or known as Keith, looked up at the female from his computer, shrugging. "It should have been here yesterday. I'm guessing that's it arriving late," Keith replies.

"Tomorrow, I'm gonna have dead plants because they couldn't get their soil in time. I really need it," the female begged, crossing her arms. "For at least passing out at my place, you got to repay me by getting that soil to me as soon as possible," she continued.

"I know Katie, I will call you immediately once the truck arrives."

"It's Pidge your jerk," the girl spats.

Shidge (Shiro x Pidge): The Flower GirlWhere stories live. Discover now