Are Betrayed

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My worry slips away with each passing day and that worries me.

- - - - -

The first thing Erza did the next morning was look out of her bedroom window and into the woods at the edge of the village. There was no fluffly blue wolf waiting in the shrubbery, no trace of golden eyes watching her keenly and with odd intelligence; Erza felt more disapponted by it than she would have guessed.

Hurriedly, she threw on her hunting attire, and brought along a book and pencil that she put into her survival pack. A brief look in the mirror let her know that the long three-pronged scratch she'd suffered two days ago was healed up already. With bubbly energy, she rushed down the stairs, taking them two at a time and not stumbling once, then slid into the kitchen where Porlyusca was making breakfast and snagged some burnt toast for the road.

"You'll eat properly when you get back, you hear me!?"

"Yes, Porly!"

Erza called back to her caretaker as she zipped out the front door and into the quiet but bustling village of Okami-mura.

It was a rigorous yet refreshing journey through the community to the other side of the village where Fairy Tail stood. Upon arriving, Erza was immediately handed a drink by Mirajane, the waitress and her best friend. She proceeded to sit by some of her other friends once the drink was in her hand and she had given her morning's greetings to the white haired girl.

"Morning, guys," she said as she sat. The men at the table all replied with jovial shouts of anything from "Good morning" to "Good night." Erza laughed at them and took a deep sip from her thick mug.

"Woah, Erza! Kickin'em back I see!" Natsu teased, "I'd be careful if I were you, though; no good in being up early to hunt if you're drunk and hungover!"

"Please, I can take much more than this and still be a better hunter than you!"

The guys laughed at that, Gray and Gajeel making extra fun. Natsu pouted, but ultimately ended up laughing with them at his own expense. Times were always good at the guild. Erza's favorite part of the day was the early stage when she met up with other huntsmen at Fairy Tail and had a good laugh before setting off to work.

She chatted some more with her friends, getting lost in their company and the fun of the moment before remembering that her day's mission was time sensitive; who knew how much Tentai could be moving around? She wanted to find him as soon as possible.

"Alright guys, it's been fun, but I gotta go."

"Aww," Natsu whined, the closest to getting drunk out of the crew, "Do ya have to? We could head out together this time!"

"Yeah, Erza! Stay!" Gray agreed, Gajeel nodding with him and some of the others agreeing as well. Erza smiled, appreciating their childishness and friendship.

"Sorry guys, but I've really gotta go," she started jogging back over to the entrance, giving Mirajane her mug and her thanks on her way, "I'll see you later!"

More half-drunken shouts followed her out the door.

- - - - -

It was dusk when she finally found him. Unfortunate, because she wanted to ask him a lot of things. He probably wouldn't be able to answer, but the answer didn't really matter to her all that much anyway. Besides, if it came down to it, she could just phrase them as yes or no questions so he could nod "yes," or shake his head "no."

"Do you think you'd like strawberry cheesecake if I gave it to you? I know wolves are carnivores and all, but it is simply a magical food; there's no way that even nature is cruel enough to keep animals from enjoying such a delicacy too."

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