Chapter 34

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Maeve's P.O.V.

“I’m so happy that this ended well,” an older police officer said as he placed his hands loosely on the steering wheel of his police car. He was most likely around Ed’s age and he seemed warm and caring like Ed as well. Normally I would be happy to be around someone so friendly and polite instead of psychopaths like Billy but for right now I just wanted be alone. “I don’t want to scare you but most times cases like these do not end as well as this one has.” He said and I forced a smile onto my face. Despite my anger for Harry I was relieved he was safe and I was relieved that this was all over.

“We’re here,” the officer said as he parked the car and slid the key out of the ignition. I unbuckled my seat belt and closed my eyes as I got out of the car. I couldn’t stop the jittery feeling inside the pit of my stomach from swarming throughout my entire body. He opened the door to the precinct for me and my heart dropped into my stomach and then began to race like maniac.

Harry stood sitting in one of the officer’s desk chairs and he was staring off blankly into the distance. He didn’t notice me standing there from the corner of his eye. He looked as though he didn’t notice anything. His wide eyed blank stare was like a knife to the chest. Harry always looked like his mind is wandering a million miles away but this time it wasn’t willingly. He was dethatching himself from the real world which also scared me.

I examined his physical appearance while he spoke with a female officer. His hair was matted down to his forehead and he had lost a significant amount of weight from the last time I saw him. He was sitting next to a young boy who shared a similar disheveled appearance but this boy looked even worse. This boy had been through the ringer.

He had his knees brought up to his chest and he rocked back in forth on the chair as the officer spoke to him and Harry. He couldn’t be more than 16 years old tops but from the look on his face I could tell this kid endured a life beyond his years.

All of the pain and the heartache I was once feeling completely dissolved from my body and evaporated into thin air. My mind yelled at me to run up to Harry but my feet stood planted on the ground. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t speak. I could barely breathe.

I dropped to the floor on my knees and began to sob. I don’t know why I did but I did. I sobbed loudly and hysterically and everyone in the room stared at me like I was insane. It took me minutes to realize that Harry had run over to me within seconds of my outburst and he was holding me against his chest. The warmth of his body warmed my cold heart that had weighed heavy in my chest ever since he was taken. The coldness and the hollowness I felt were replaced by the warmth of Harry. For over a month now I was living in an ice age, a complete time of darkness and despair and with one touch I was brought back to reality, back to life.

I sobbed violently against Harry’s chest like a child and he held me tightly. Harry was home and so was I.

Harry’s P.O.V.


“Can you please describe the second male perp?” A female officer who said her name was Officer Whitney asked Andrew and me. She asked us the same questions for least an hour now and each time she asked us the answers remained the same.

“He was tall with brown hair and brown eyes,” I said flatly. I stared blankly at the wall to the side of Officer Whitney and wished that I was in Maeve’s arms.

Andrew rocked back in forth in the chair next to me with his knees brought up to his chest. He was silent for the majority of the time but he did speak occasionally when someone would speak to him, mainly females.

Uncovered (Harry Styles)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara