Thranduil and Bard led their armies to the gates of Erebor at the first light of dawn, though thankfully their reason in doing so had changed. Thorin did not know this, of course, and he was quick to shoot an arrow at the ground in front of Thranduil's elk. The entire Company, Bilbo and Davina included, were standing on the platform just at the top of the wall, where they could see the approaching armies. "I will put the next one between your eyes!" The dwarf king shouted.

Thranduil was not deterred by this threat. His army immediately raised their bows, notching their arrows and readying their arm in sync. It was only when their king raised his hand did they lower their weapons. 

"We've come to tell you payment of your debt has been offered... and accepted," the Elvenking announced.

"What payment? I gave you nothing. You have nothing!"

Bard pulled the Arkenstone from the hidden pocket of his coat and held it up. "We have this."

Shock flooded through the Company like a wave. Only Davina and Bilbo stood impassive as the dwarfs shouted in anger. "That stone belongs to the king!"

"The king may have it," Bard responded, "with our good will. But first, he must honor his word."

Thorin sneered. "They are taking us for fools. This is a trick -- a filthy lie. The Arkenstone is in this mountain! It is a trick!"

"We beseech you, King Under the Mountain, to honor the bargain you struck with the people of Laketown," Thranduil called out. "My army has not come to fight you. I have received the payment I was rightfully owed, therefore I withdraw my declaration of war upon you."

There was a moment of silence as Thorin digested his words. "Payment?" He muttered, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion. Then, as it suddenly hit him what the only payment Thranduil would have accepted could be, he whirled around and faced Davina. "Where is the necklace I gave you?" He demanded gruffly, his eyes clouded with greed and anger.

Davina held her chin high, even as tears began to sting her hazel orbs. "It was not yours to give, nor mine to keep."

Fury erupted upon his features as he glared at her. "You have betrayed me!" He spat, storming toward her. "You have forsaken the gift I gave to you and handed over my Arkenstone to that filthy bargeman!"

Bilbo scampered over to her side and intervened then, standing in front of Davina with his hands held up. "Thorin, you must listen," he said. "She did not act out of betrayal, she --"

"Stay out of this!" He roared at the hobbit. "You have no place --"

"I have absolutely got a place!" Bilbo disagreed immediately. "For she did not act alone." Thorin stepped back, the shock of yet another betrayal feeling almost like a slap in the face. Bilbo sighed. "I took the Arkenstone as my fourteenth share. I gave it to them."

"You would steal from me?"

"Steal from you?" Bilbo scoffed. "No. No, I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim."

"Your claim?" Thorin scowled. "You have no claim over me, you miserable rat!"

"We were going to give it to you!" Bilbo insisted. "Many times, we wanted to, but..."

"But what, you filthy thieves?!"

"But you are changed, Thorin," Davina spoke up, moving to stand beside Bilbo instead of behind him. "You're not the same dwarf we met all those months ago in Bag End... the same dwarf I fell in love with." She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, to no avail. 

DAVINA  ⇝ Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now