The confession & The charmer has become the charmed

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Rarity sat in her bedroom of the carousel boutique as she continued sewing the gorgeous dresses for herself and her friends since it would be the grand galloping gala in three days. After the storm king had tried to destroy Equestria and after she met Capper, she'd began having romantic feelings for the seductive feline and the thought of him wouldn't go away. After she'd finished sewing the final gown, Sweetie Belle jumped into the room, knocking over some mannequins in the process. "Sweetie Belle, what are you doing you silly filly??!!" Rarity asked in frustration as she used her magic to put the material away. "Sorry big sis, Capper is here to see you....apparently he has something to tell you." The little filly said and Capper entered the room, causing Rarity to blush deep red and her heart began beating faster as her little sister galloped out of the room and closed the door. "I do apologise for interrupting you in your important job, it's just that I have something to tell you." The feline said as he straightened his jacket out and his tail swished side to side. The Purple maned unicorn felt her heart skip as her love interest advanced towards her slowly, a seductive grin on his face. "I'm sorry darling, it's just that nopony has felt this way about me before other than Spike, but....but I love you Capper." Rarity said as a sudden feeling of dominance overcame her and pinned the feline to the bed, her purple mane already messy as was her tail. "You okay Rarity?" Capper said as he felt himself blushing as his lower half began to tingle. The unicorn leaned downwards and passionately kissed the seductive feline as she moved her front hooves up his exposed fluffy chest, causing him to purr in pleasure. He wrapped his paws around Rarity's mid-section as the kiss became even more heated and romantic. The Purple maned unicorn broke the kiss and started planting kisses up and down Capper's neck and collar bone, occasionally nibbling the fluffy skin. This caused him to purr in pleasure as his cat ears twitched. "I never knew you were such a good kisser." The feline said in between breaths as Rarity smiled down at him, rubbing his sides to create more moans that came out of Capper's mouth followed by little mews. The seductive feline removed his jacket slowly. "Oh my, you seriously want to do this?" The unicorn said with a smile. Capper smiled flirtatiously as he bit his lip before flipping over so he sat on top of Rarity. "Whenever you're ready baby cakes." He said with a seductive purr before nipping on the unicorn's furry neck. Rarity let out squeals of pleasure as Capper nibbled on her collar bone and rubbed his paws up and down her sides, creating a heat of passion between them both. "Mmmmm, good!" The unicorn breathed as she could feel the seductive feline's hot breath hit her neck, sending good shivers down her spine. They both continued kissing as the heat between them grew. After a few minutes, they separated the kiss, a string of saliva connected them both. Capper smiled down at the blushing unicorn, purring seductively as his tail swished from side to side very swiftly. Rarity flipped them over so that she was once again on top. "It's my turn again darling." She purred before nibbling on the feline's ear, down his neck, chest and down his furry stomach, making him purr with delight as his legs squirmed. "H-how can somepony like you pleasure a cat like this??" Capper said in between delicate moans as his ears twitched. Rarity smirked before she rubbed him down with one of her hooves. This caused the seductive feline to moan and purr in pleasure as he dug his claws into the bed sheets, beads of sweat forming from his furry forehead. "A-aagh, R-Rarity..." he breathed as he bit his lower lip to hold back his moans of delight. The unicorn looked up at him and giggled "Ever heard of a 69 darling??" She asked sexily as she positioned herself, causing Capper to become all nervous and shy. "N-no??" He stuttered as he rubbed her hips soothingly and caressed her gem cutie marks on both her flanks. "Well this'll be the first then..." the Purple maned unicorn said with a purr before eating him out. After listening to what she said, Capper began eating out Rarity, who began to squeal in pleasure.

MLP- Rarity X CapperDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora