Chapter 3 - Sairando

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Kimunkles believe that they are the Keepers of the Land on this Vast Earth.

[Book 6, Chapter 5 Page 131]

Moss Mountain. Its peak is the highest point on the continent. It is part of a mountain range that divides the continents into East and West. The Eastern country is Asteria, the Western country is Sailand.

[Book 6, Chapter 6 Page 135]

I woke up when something heavy hit the tree. I yelped and instincts took over when I awoke and grabbed for the branch I was sleeping on so that I wouldn’t fall. When I looked down to see what it was, I was surprised. I did not expect a dead bear to sitting at the foot of my tree. Next to the bear was Mukara and a few other Kimukles. When I looked to the clearing, I was surprised and touched by the beautiful scene. Senri was hugging Nana and husky while Cooro was on top of Senri, pearing over his head. I hadn’t register it completely in my mind at the time, but Cooro had black wings which were spread open. After their little scene, they all started picking up scattered pressed flowers. I took my backpack and carefully got off the tree to help.

“Oh, Cassie! Where have you been?” Cooro asked and I pointed my thumb at the tree.

“Sleeping, and I woke up to a dead bear.” Nana laughed nervously before going back to the flowers. I placed me backpack down near a bolder and started to collect all the scattered flowers. I recognized some of them from Sailand. Nana and Husky went to Upas when he stepped into the clearing. After we gathered everything, Cooro decided he should be the one to tell the others.

“Hey! It looks like we got everything that fell out of the book now! Aren’t you glad, Senri?” Cooro asked and Senri nodded.

“Looks like Husky threatening to break the book was the key to Senri’s mind huh…” Nana said, more to herself than anyone.

“Yeah, Husky too had his precious earring taken from him when he was a mermaid princess! He knows what it feels like to own a treasure like that!” Cooro said with a smile. Upas looked dazed.

“Mermaid…princess?” He asked, making Husky go uneasy. I laughed, making everyone turn to me.

“I knew that Husky was a girl!” Everyone laughed, except Senri and Husky of course, but Husky was trying to attack me.

“Who?” I heard and we all stopped to see Senri with a confused expression. I smiled. He wasn’t as scary as I thought.

“I’m Cassie!” He nodded and I smiled. “Anyway, nice meeting all of you! I better get going!” I said, turning around and walked into the forest once more. Another stupid decision on my part. I was walking around for at least an hour before I finally found something. Upas was standing on a peak and an out-breathe Husky was standing in front of him.

“You said…that I had to get the others to come along…to Sairando…. Though I haven’t seen it myself… it must be a dangerous place… But they decided…to return to Asteria!” Husky said, stopping through his entire mini speech to take breathes.

“…is that so?” I heard and looked to see Cooro, Nana and Senri.

“You wanted to go to Sairando, Husky?” Cooro said with a smile.

“How were we supposed to know, if you didn’t say anything?” Nana said/scolded him.

“But doesn’t Sairando fight a lot with Asteria and Kimunkles?” Coora asked, repeating the conversation I had with Nana a few hours before. “So if Husky wants to go to Sairando… he must have a really good reason, right?” Husky looked surprised at Cooro’s words.

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