Chapter Six

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“Jay and Nate are gonna be here in like an hour!” I told Juliet as she frantically rummaged through the one drawer she had managed to put things into, causing me to assume she already knew.

I went to my suitcase pulling out a navy blue sundress and white flip flops. I then made my way to the bathroom to straighten my hair.

“Do you know where we’re going, Sky?” Jules shouted from the bedroom over the sound of the faucet and me brushing my teeth,

“No!” I yelled back, toothpaste and such falling out of my mouth. How attractive. I wiped off my mouth and fixed my hair once more. I put oneyeliner and mascara, nothing special, and walked out of the bathroom. Juliet was wearing jean shorts and a loose v-neck and flip flops; neither of us really dressed up. My phone vibrated and I unlocked it to see a text from Jay.

Come open the front door love! Xx

I nearly ran to the front door, past Niall, Daniel, Harry and my entire family. I opened the door and looked up at Jay and then over to Nathan who were standing there with the biggest smiles on their faces. Without hesitating I ran into Jay’s arms giving him the biggest hug in the world, as did Juliet with Nate.

“I missed you!” I shouted into his ear as he picked me up.

“I missed you too!” he giggled while setting me back down on the ground.

“Jay, Nathan, what a surprise!” My dad called while walking over to the doorway. “Come in, come in!” he said happily. My dad and Jay always got along amazingly, the whole band and my dad did, which I was happy about. Jay and Nathan made their way inside but no one really cared.

“Well who is this handsome fellow?” my grandma asked while walking over to us.

“I’m James.” He smiled and shook her hand gently and my grandma gave a warm smile.

“Well nice to meet you, James.” She then walked back off to be with the rest of the family, who didn’t pay much attention to Jay and Nathan being in the foyer of the beach house. And then my cousin Erica, who just so happens to be 15, came running through the kitchen, only to stop dead in her tracks when she saw them standing there.

“You’re…you’re Jay and Nathan from The Wanted…” she stuttered as her eyes got huge. As soon as she said that you saw all the boys’ heads shoot up from their video game and in our direction.

“Seriously Erica, Niall and Harry from One Direction are sitting right there, but you didn’t freak out over them, but you freak out over two of my best friends?” I started and then laughed at myself, “Wait, I know why, they’re assholes, you guys aren’t. Carry on.” I said pointing up at Jay and he tried his best not to laugh. Erica laughed, gave them both hugs, and then calmly walked off to her bedroom to fangirl, knowing this because I heard the screams from where I was standing.

“What are you guys doing here?” Niall asked standing up and walking over to us, I presume he was trying to be intimidating, but he’s as intimidating as a baby squirrel.

“Is that really any of your business?” Jay questioned him.

“I believe it is.” Harry answered before Niall could while taking a step forward.

“I’m here to save her from you idiots,” Jay giggled and turned around wrapping his arm around my shoulder as I let out a quiet laugh as well and we walked out the door, hearing the boys tempers go off as we did.

“I’m glad we left when we did, that could have turned bad.” I said over to Juliet who laughed as well.

“I was hoping so,” Nathan mumbled under his breath.

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