“Are you serious? I just want to fuck.” He almost shouted trying to take her upstairs once more.

            “Well I don’t!” she told him.

            “Did I really ask if you wanted to? I’m Harry Styles, come on, who wouldn’t want to have sex with me?” he practically slurred, but he was yelling at the same time. You could tell Juliet was scared, because she didn’t exactly understand what was going on. We had always talked about how big of assholes they were, but this was her first time actually experiencing it firsthand.

            “Harry, let go of her. I would be the first to admit you’re a complete and utter douchebag, but you’re not this big of one, you’re letting the alcohol speak for you.” I told him in a calm voice, trying to get him to understand. He let go of her arm roughly and stomped off angrily upstairs. Even Niall seemed shocked, it wasn’t just us.

            “I’m…I’m sorry.” Niall told us as he walked off upstairs to talk to Harry.

“The world hates us.” I corrected her and rolled over onto my side so I was facing her. “The rest of them are bound to show up, also.” I realized. “What are we going to do…?” I asked worried and she just shrugged angrily. I walked to the bedroom door and cracked it open,

“Hey curly, how long are you staying?” I shouted.

“For the summer!” he shouted back in his deep husky voice.

“Shit.” I mumbled under my breath falling back onto my bed.

“I wish everyone knew how big of assholes they are.” I told her and she nodded.  I sat up straight in my bed as the idea came to my head.


“Oh my god, Juliet.” I almost shouted.

“What?” she asked sitting up in her bed quickly.

“What if we created a twitter account, and take pictures of all the bad things the boys do, and record the things they say, and show everyone they’re not who they think they are,” I  suggested to her and her eyes got huge. “I know its mean, but they’re mean, and people deserve to know.” I told her.

“Why are you such a genius?” she asked me with a mischievous smirk on her face.

“And everyone knows we’re with Niall for the summer. All we have to do is post it on tumblr…” I told her with an evil giggle. I grabbed my laptop from behind me on my bed and opened it going to twitter. I created an account with the twitter name being @Truthabout1d and then went to tumblr to make a post. Ignoring the millions of messages in my inbox, I clicked text and wrote

Okay, so as you all know, I’m with Niall for the whole summer at my beach house. If you don’t know, my cousin Daniel is best friends with him. Well guess who else showed up today…the fucking wonderful Harry Styles himself. We’ve come to the conclusion that its really only a matter of time before the rest of them show up. For this reason, we decided to create a twitter to post pictures and videos of what the boys are doing…all the time while here, and you guys might be slightly surprised. They won’t know, and don’t tell them. You wouldn’t want to miss out on this opportunity, would you? –Skyler and Juliet. Xx

            I wrote the message, and posted the link for our twitter underneath it. I clicked the “create post” button at the bottom and I knew there was no going back now. I looked over at Jules who actually seemed quite satisfied with our decision.

            “This is going to be brilliant!” I said excitedly.

            “We are a couple of evil geniuses.” Juliet agreed. I looked over at my phone that lit up and answered it.

            “Hey!” I said happily into the phone.

            “Hey babe, how are you?” his voice rang through the phone as I felt all the worries I had wash away and Juliet smiled knowing exactly who is was, because as soon as I smiled, she received a text.

            “I’m…alright. And you?” I said in an unsure tone.

            “I’m good. Are you okay dear? You don’t sound really like you’re alright…” he trailed off worried.

            “Guess who is staying at the beach house so far this summer,” I said bluntly. The other end was silent, so I decided to just tell him, “Niall and Harry.” I said annoyed.

            “Are you kidding me?” he sighed. “Well babe, I have some good news.” He told me cheerfully.

            “What good news could this be? That you’re kidnapping me for the summer?” I giggled into the phone.

            “No, but we are in Florida for the summer…15 minutes away from you.” he told me and I felt the biggest smile come across my face.

            “Are you serious?!” I shouted standing up from the bed.

            “Yes, I’m serious Sky! I’ll be there in about an hour! Love you!” He shouted just as happily into the phone.

            “Tell Juliet I’m coming also!” I heard in the background.

            “Will do! Love you too, Jay!” I shouted into the phone and hanging up throwing it onto my bed.

            Did I fail to mention that Jay McGuiness from The Wanted is my best friend? Well, he is. 

92 Days trilogy- Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now