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Hey, Its Stop Verbal Abuse coming at you with ways to help us.

Well actually, right now the person writing this is roseisanaesthetic

But the team name is Stop Verbal Abuse.

I need to leave now.

But not after I tell you about wus Gud in da hood.

Someone stop me.

But that was a good transition.

So, let's get into it.


This one is for you to be the head of every job. So you control the group that you are the head of. But of course, you would still need to inform us about what you are doing with your team before you take action.

Here are the following teams you can lead.

- Magazine Peeps

- Youtuber headquarters

-Twitter Twits

-Instant h


_ Writers

- Supporters 

                                                               Magazine Peeps 

You peep run the upcoming magazine that we plan to create. But sadly I cant give you any more information unless you become apart of the team. 

I can tell you though that you will be taking to a lot of survivors of abuse with their permission and asking them about what it was like. So you have a very important job.

                                                                   Youtuber Headquarters 

You are the people that control our upcoming youtube channel!

You will be making videos on the channel that but, once again I cannot tell you what about until you sign up. Once again I can tell you that you are going to be doing a lot of interviewing so be sure that you are good with talking with others.

                                                                                    Twitter Twits 

You guessed it you run our twitter account. You do all the stuff from making sure that everything is good on there to posting on there as well. I can give you  more info once you sign up.


Im pretty sure you get it by now that you will be running our Instagram account and stuff like that. You are actually just like the twitter twits. More info once you sign up.


You make the graphics we need for our covers, other peoples covers for their stories, for our social medias as well. That's all the info i can give you for now. You have to sign up blah blah blah you get the point.


You are a writer. You write our prompts and some of our survivor stories. You do interviews as well. You already know about the info part.


You are emotional support and advice giver. You have the patience and you know how to be kind and gentle with others. That's basically what you're doing. For more info you have to sign up. Pretty sure you already know that.



WE ARE HIRING!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang