"Wow. How many people know this?" Peter asked, intrigued. His heart broke at her story, worried for her. 

"Only you, and the principal. I haven't even told Sophia. She never questioned me. I didn't want to talk about." Jamie turned back to her computer. "I'm about done, is there anything else? Also, I think your picture is completely boring. Do you really want to use your yearbook picture?" she giggled. Peter slightly smiled and nodded. 

"I've got a great idea for your picture. You just need to trust me. Do you?" he asked her, gripping her hand. 

"With my life." she said, surprising herself but Peter responded with a wide smile. 

          It was into the weekend and Jamie was over Peter's. Joselyn treated them to snacks and drinks. Peter and Jamie were kneeling on the ground in front of a huge poster board. They gazed over their masterpiece of a painting. Jamie was getting tears in her eyes just looking at it. 

"Now what do we do?" Jamie asked, turning to him and took a deep breath. Peter looked at his mom who nodded at him. Peter ran into the kitchen and picked up a duffel bag. "Um... am I missing something?" 

"We're going on a road trip." he hooked the bag onto his shoulder and gestured towards the door. "Shall we?" Jamie laughed and ran with him out the door after saying goodbye to Joselyn. Jordan turned to his mother with a confused look. "How many girlfriends can a guy have?" he asked her. Joselyn laughed. 

"Only one. Got that?" she pointed her finger at him, jokingly. 

          Two hours later, Jamie was singing aloud with the radio, bonking her head from side to side and jamming out. Peter laughed and continued driving. Jamie looked at him. 

"How much longer until we get to this place I still do not know the name of?" Jamie hit him playfully and leaned her head back. 

"About two hours and half." he chuckled as she grunted. "We'll be there in no time, don't worry. I promise you're going to love this. Once we get what we need, we can go back home and finish our essay." 

"So are we getting something for the essay?" she asked him, grabbing a box of Cheetos from the duffel bag in the back seat. Peter nodded. "Oh, great. But when we get it, it'll be pointless because we'll have to drive the four hours and a half all the way back home again. Yippee." she rolled her eyes and stuffed Cheetos into her mouth. 

"It won't matter because you're going to love this. I promise you, this will be a memorable road trip. One of the best times of your life." he smirked at her and she returned a smile. 

"I hope you're right." she threw a Cheeto at him. "This is odd. How fast we became friends." the smile dissapeared and her jaw dropped. "What if Sophia hates me? You're her ex!" she started panicking.

"It'll be okay. We're not sneaking around, we're just two friends hanging out." he continued driving down the highway with the wind slapping them in the face. 

          Back in North Carolina, Sophia was embraced in her warm bedsheets and loving it. Her face was flat on her pillow and she was stuck in dreamland. Until, that is, when Mr. Baker stormed into the apartment. Sophia instantly woke up and grabbed a baseball bat from the closet. She slowly tip-toed out of her room and into the hallway. Walking down, she jumped into the living room, holding the baseball bat up. Mr. Baker put his hands up in surrender. 

"What? You can't afford a security system for this place." Mr. Baker pointed up and looked around. "Sophia, where's Jamie?" he asked, letting himself sit on the couch. Sophia put the baseball bat down next to the wall and walked into the kitchen. 

"Who gives you the right to barge into my house?" she yelled at him, a stern look on her face. Mr. Baker smiled. "Get out." she gestured towards the door and pulled out a cereal box. 

"I need to talk to you." he told her, sympathy in his voice. Sophia didn't believe he was being sincere and just continued pouring the cereal into a bowl, then put the box away. "No family issues, promise. It's school." Sophia's head snapped up. 

"I guess I should listen to this. Is it my grades?" she asked him, realizing it was a stupid question because it was obviously bad news about her grades. 

"It's not bad news, for once." he folded his hands. "You've been nominated for prom queen." 

"Prom is a month away." Sophia shrugged her shoulders, the stern look still planted on her face. "You're lying."

"Indeed, prom is far away but people are already making decisions and you're nominated. Do you accept?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at her. Sophia nodded,

"If you're serious, then yes, of course I accept."  Mr. Baker nodded and headed towards the door. "Wait," he turned around. "Who's been nominated for Prom King?" Mr. Baker just smiled and walked out the door. 

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