Mama Mia

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Mario walked up to _____'s front porch, and knocked on the door. _____ was a good friend of the short plumber, and (he/she/they) had asked him to come over. Mario, of course, agreed. The door swung open, and he was greeted with his friend. _____ smiled and gestured for him to enter. "I've invited you today because I made a batch of spaghetti and I thought you might like to try it." "I'm down with whatever." Mario replied casually.

_____ grinned and rushed into the kitchen, returning shortly after with a plate of spaghetti in (his/her/their) hands garnished with chopped lemon slices.
Mario thanked _____, and (he/she/they) handed the plate to the plumber. He took a bite, and was astonished. "Ey", Mario began, "That's pretty good." (that feel when you're an idubbbz fan). _____ beamed. "I'm glad you like it!" 

Mario x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now