Tea and Crumpets...Or Not.

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A/N: Did you like the second chapter? Well you are so going to like this one. I was watching ICarly. The one with One Direction and I thought it was absolutely hilarious when she says she made british sandwitches and they ask what british sandwitches are. Icarly cracks me up like humpty dumpty on a saturday morning.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Harry's P.O.V.

After all of that awkward stuff that happened just then in the room we went down to break fast to eat.

"So what do you eat down in your hometown? British sandwitches and tea and crumpets." She says with a laugh. While she leaned on me to keep from being on her bad leg.

"Um, what are british sandwitches?" I ask all confused.

"What they're um sandwitches that are um you know...... arghhhhh!" She shouts. Then she get's embarrassed, with a cute pink blushy face. We had finally reached the elevator and I pressed the button.

"So what are British sandwitches?" I ask with a smirk. She shakes her head with a laugh.

"I was trying to be punny when I said that." She declared with a straight face but there was traces of a smile still there. 

"Okay." I shrugged.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pearliani's P.O.V.

British sandwitches! Brain vomit! God why would I say that? I probably sound like a retard to him. Wait. What? I'm not supposed to care what least favorite person thinks! So why am I?

"Okay" I say and the elevator pops open.

We go in and stand in silence. The elevator stops suddenly and knocks me down. Or so I think. Before I went down I closed my eyes so I did not see Harry step in front of me and catch my dear self. I slow myself down from the exhilarating touch of the one and only Harry Styles. 

"Thanks." I say with my still closed eyes.

"Dear open your eyes now." He says. I do as he says and stare into his pretty eyes. I fall deep inside. It's like a wonderland I can't get out of. Just the thought of........ I pull my head up so suddenly it crashes into his.

"Ow!" I say as he drops me onto the floor.

"Right back atcha." He says and rubs his head.

"Why on earth would you drop me?" I demand an answer.

"Oh I don't know... cause you head-butted me!" He shouts. 

"Well maybe if you hadn't have looked at me with those eyes......." I trail off because of embarrassment. Yes we all do it. Even me, Pearl. I turn around and find the handle bar for the elevator and drag myself up.

"Your stupid." I say.

"Well you head butted me." He says back.

"You dropped me." I said.

"Yeah but before I caught you." He says.

"Touche." I say.

"We need more things to argue about." He says with a sigh.

"Yeah." I say back.

"Okay well I predict at the end of the summer you'll fall in love with me." He said. I laughed hard and long.

"Ha! You wish. Then I predict the opposite." I put my chin up like a stubborn child.

"Then lets make it a bet." He says and puts out his and. I take it and shake it. 

"Okay." I say. Then the elevator door opens up. We are on the first floor. I am seriously hungry. We walk out into the lobby. I look outside of the large windows. Flashes from...? Cameras! Who were they taking pictures of? Oh yeah, the most horrible thing known to man kind.

"Hey guys over here." Harbeigh calls to us. I am ready to make apologies now. I lean on him and exactly three minutes later we are seated at a seven person table with Harbeigh at the head. I sit down in between Louis and Liam. I knod to them all.

"Okay I am ready to apologize." I clear my throat and say. Every body at the table, yes even Harbeigh,  looks at me expectantly.

"First I want to say sorry to Harry for screaming at him. Next I want to say sorry to Liam for almost elbowing him in the rib cage. Next is Zayn cause I was sarcastic and Niall for just being flat out mean and Louis for some thing else I really don't remember." I say.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Harry's P.O.V.

 She looked at every one sincerely. The boys gathered around the table and left her out of the conversation.

"So what do we think boys?" Harbeigh asked us.

"I think we should forgive her and then let her come with us everywhere we go so she can be our best friend!" Louis said cheerily.

"I think we need to yes, forgive her, but first put her through the test." Liam said.

"Yesh, that would be a nice passtime." The group broke up and we were back at the table. I cleared my throat.

"Pearli, we have decided to forgive you-" cue rudely interrupted face.

"Yada yada. Anymanslut, we were thinking that we needed to put you through a loyalty test." Said Harbeigh.


"You will be going outside and the reporters are going to ask you all kinds of questions. You are going to answer with lies. All lies. Even if some are true as hell you still answer with what?" Harbeigh said.

"Lies." She said back. Everybody nodded and agreed. 

"One question though: how am I going to walk?" She asked.

"You my dear, are going to be Harbeighs girl friend that slept over. And as Harbeigh, being a gentleman, will escort you down to your car."  Liam explained the whole plan. It sounded easy. But his plans weren't always well thought out though.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2012 ⏰

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