The life of the prehistoric men

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Eventually, Jamutu died. Jagu was then crowned as King by the homo sapiens. The following event takes place one morning infront of the palace. Day 1 with Jagu as king of the homo sapiens.


Raising his index finger in the air, he silenced the crowd in front of him.

KING JAGU: Jamutu was a great king and a good friend. We fished together, discovered fire together, slept together-*someone coughs*- Who's that?

SOME WISE GUY- Sorry, sire.

KING JAGU- You better be... With the kingship now bestowed upon me, i will make sure the clan survives the upcoming meltdown. There will be a need to perform a lot of taxis.

WISE GUY*in a jolly mood*- Great! Stone cars. My king, we can finally improve our transportation. I want mine to be a Ferrari. Taxis are slow.

KING JAGU*yelling*- There is nothing wrong with walking as our means of transportation! And where the heck did you get the impressioning of inventing stone cars?!

WISE GUY*innocently*- But you said 'taxis'.

KING JAGU- I meant duty.


KING JAGU*clears throat*- And so, the men will hunt.

MEN*crying*- Nooo!!

KING JAGU*angry*- What now?!!

MEN- Sire, it is impossible to kill bisons and mammoths with sticks. How can we hunt and kill them? We will die.

KING JAGU- No, you won't. We will just practice sympathic magic.

WISE GUY*retorts with a chuckles*- Sympathic magic? Drawing bisons on cave walls and poking them with twigs. Haha.

KING JAGU*frowns*- It makes the animal vulnerable in real life.

WISE GUY*still chuckling*- Yeah, right. Sire, don't you think spears will be more lethal than twigs.

KING JAGU*now brightens*- Aye, that's really wise of you. For the first time, you've made a commendable contribution.

And so the Homo sapiens took their king's counsil suggested by the wise guy; drawing bisons on cave walls and poking them with spears. Such simply-pathetic magic *i mean sympathic magic*

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