"FINE." Her voice was muffled.

I rushed in to see what was going on. She was lying on the floor with some pillows, and some clothes on top of her. "What the fuck happened?" I came over to her, and helped her up.

Melissa sighed. "I was trying to get my stupid make up kit on the top of my dresser, because I was running out of Foundation so I was going to get my spare. But due to the fact that God didn't grant me enough height to rich the stupid make up kit, I ended up pulling everything out, and they crashed over me." She ranted, her expression was funny.

I looked at her for a second, then started to laugh.

"Damn you, woman!" She said, which made me laugh a little harder.

"Sorry. God, I'm sorry. But that's stupid." I tried to stifle my laugh. "You could've just called for help, or grab a stool or something."

Melissa rolled her eyes. "Too late for that, sister."

She and I began to fix the things that fell from her dresser. "Luke said they'll be at Starbucks in 15... So we should probably hurry."

"OOOOH.. I'm so excited to meet this boyfriend of yours."

"He's not my boyfr---" I started.

Melissa shushed me. "Yet. It would end up there, honey. I can see the future."

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't you see these things crashing on you before you do whatever stupid thing you were supposed to do?"

Melissa narrowed her eyes at me. "Touche."





Luke's POV

Michael and I were now at Starbucks, waiting for the girls to come.

"Is it just Sydny that we were waiting for?" Michael asked.

I looked at him. "Nope. Don't think so." I said, pointing over at the door.

Sydny walked in wearing sportswear. Her hair was tied up high in a ponytail, and her face wore the smallest amount of makeup, almost no makeup at all. And damn, she looked beautiful. Beside her was another girl, smaller than her, with chocolate brown hair and a pretty face. Not my type, but she is beautiful.

I waved my hand, and Sydny spotted us. The girls walked over, and I found Michael staring at the both of them, but mostly at Sydny's friend, who was muttering over to Sydny. Sydny shot her a look, and said something which looked like 'stay cool' from the movement of her mouth.

"Hi guys. This is Melissa." Sydny smiled, putting her hands over Melissa's shoulder. "She's my classmate from the School. Melissa, this is Luke. And this is Michael, Luke's friend."

"Nice to meet you." I shook her hand. She moved over to shake Michael's but he seemed to be frozen. "Dude." I elbowed him.

"Oh-uh. Hi." Michael said, shaking her hand.

"Hi." Melissa has a small voice, or is it just smaller at that particular moment? I don't know. "Sydny didn't tell me Luke's bringing a friend." Melissa glanced over at Sydny who was just said "What?" all innocently.

"Well, surprise." He smiled.

To cut the awkward tension between those two, I spoke up. "So, let's take a seat?"

"No. Wait." Sydny said. "Luke and I will go to the counter to order, you two stay here."

"What?! But I---" I complained.

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