Internet love

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The bright sun of the early morn, had pierced through the eyes of a most unfortunate boy, as he had woken and looked out the window. To the surprise of none, he jumped out of bed clutching his face, and yelling like a cartoon character in peril.   Upon recovering enough for his cries to subside, he smiled and looked back out the window at the glorious and blinding sunrise.

Stupid, I know. But alas this boy was not as un intelligent as his observers seemed to summarize. He was simply in love. He was in euphoria, because he had met a wonderful, cute, kind, and funny girl. Many people, especially his parents, pummeled him with disapproval. He had met her online you see, and his family didn't approve. but he didn't care. As far as he believed, falling in love on the internet was the purest kind of love. A meeting of minds, no interference from physical form.   He skipped downstairs, got breakfast, talked with his parents (they yelled at him mostly) and he walked back upstairs, somewhat less enthusiastically. But by the time he reached his room, his euphoria had returned. Without thinking, he giddily ran to his bed, flopped down on his stomach, and whipped out his phone. And was happy to see a message from his love. "Good morning. ❤️️"  she wrote.  He hastily texted back:" To you as well. ;)"  now, this girls name was, from a few states over, and lived with her mother, father, and 4 younger brothers. She was very funny and sweet, and The boy adored her.  The two of them had been texting each other for the last year, and were very close friends. They weren't quite there yet, but they kept flirting with each other, and joking about their future together. They would even comfort each other if one was feeling down.  True love it seemed, was in the air.

They talked to each other about life problems, and people they didn't like, they even insulted one another, in the name of fun. The boy even thought the best part of his day was talking to her. And was always happy because of her.

But then one day came, and it all went wrong. You see, the girl loved to joke, she would always tease him, and poke fun at him. Her intentions were purely in the name of fun, and he usually laughed it off or gave her a clever come back. It was cute. But on  October 31, it was devastating.  That morning, Ryan woke up to hear that his grandfather had died, then he walked down stairs and got yelled at by his parents. Which caused his mood to plummet even further, that day at school he failed his first test in years. This was followed by dangerous levels of depression.
When he got home that day, he was told by his mother that his dad had lost his job, and that he had received a letter. Interested in what the letter had to say, he took it, and went to his room. Bypassing dinner. He sat at his desk and used a letter opener to access the contents, hoping to finally receive good news. But it was more devastating still... his college application had been rejected. He sat and stared unseeingly at the wall for what was at least an hour in shock. Until he heard a "ding" come from his phone. He looked down at it blankly. "Hiya baby" it read" I love you!" Giving a sad smile, he picked it up and wrote back: "Hey, I love you too. ❤️️❤️️."  Time ticked by, and he was still staring breathlessly at the screen waiting...  then "ding"  and what he saw crushed him. "Well I don't, go bother someone else."  "Idiot". These words were routine, and ordinarily, he would laugh and send a funny message back. But this time, it struck too close to home. His heart shattered. Hé gazed at the dim screen, tears running silently down his cheeks.  His thoughts blinded by sorrow, he glanced absent minded l'y at the desk, where the letter opener lay.    And before he knew what was happening, he was staring in twisted horror at the dark red liquid spewing from his wrists.  

And to top it all off, it was his birthday.
Imagine that...

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