Part 5

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I could only hear little bits of conversation that were yelled, but couldn't figure why the fight has started.

"What's your problem?"

"What are you even talking about?"

"You are always like this, ever since college!"

"Well inform me, how was I like in college?"

"Do you not remember the reason that we almost had to switch each other as roommates?"

"Oh, do not bring that backup!"

"Why the fuck not? You were always like this!"

"Always like what?"

I felt uncomfortable eavesdropping and I couldn't hear much of the next part of the fight, so I decided to awkwardly sit there and finish up my breakfast through yelling and screaming in the next room. I decided to assess my situation. I was sitting alone, in basically a stranger's apartment, after I completely embarrassed myself yesterday, and now I am having breakfast, alone, while my... date? Is fighting with her best friend in the room over. Good job, Jerry! Pat yourself on the back. You really know how to pick up dates, don't you. I was ready to make a break for it and just leave, maybe leaving my phone number around, but the door flew open at that instance and Judy calmly walked in, went to a kitchen cabinet and grabbed a bottle of wine. She looked at me expectantly, but I simply shook my head. She shrugged and proceeded to open the bottle. Instead of getting a glass to drink from, she drank it directly from the bottle. Lily barged in and pointed and accusatory finger at Judy.

"You... Ugh! I can't believe it!"

"Well believe it! And you know what else I haven't told you of? While you were over there dancing with your Italian macho men, I got myself a real boyfriend unlike you!" Real boyfriend? When did this happen? I looked up at Judy, confused, but she ignored me.

"You, a boyfriend?" Lily asked, obviously realizing the lie in Judy's words. She turned to look at me, as I was caught off guard in a middle of a heated argument. "Jerry, how much did she pay you?"

"Excuse me, what?" I asked shocked. "Nobody paid me anything! Sorry sweetie, that's not how I swing!" I said, defensively, getting up off the chair and standing practically in between the two girls.

"Heard that, Lily? I didn't make anything up." Judy explained, calmly. Moving quickly behind me, I didn't realize what was happening until she was right in front of me, her lips on mine. She embraced me and I was lost for a second. I quickly recovered and put my arms around her, closing my eyes, and kissing her back, gently, to the best of my abilities. After she broke away, I longed for the feeling of her warm lips and my head swayed a little. Wow.

"As I said before, I'm not making anything up. Now, I believe that you were leaving?" With a huff, Lily turned around and stormed out of the front door, slamming it behind her. Judy collapsed on the chair as soon the door closed and let out a breath of relief.

"I'm so sorry for that, Jerry. You probably have places to be, people to see. I didn't mean to drag you into that." She apologized, avoiding my eye contact.

"Judy, don't apologize. Believe me, that wasn't half as bad as you think. Especially the kissing part." I told her, trying to make her feel better. I walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulder in a comforting gesture. To my surprise, she leaned in closer to me. "Judy, I do have to go, but will I see you again?"

She looked up at me, silence seemed to last much longer than I was hoping for. The more seconds past, the more my stomach cramped as I anticipated her answer.

"You know Jerry, yeah. I'd like that. How about you come by my apartment Saturday evening?"

"Sounds perfect!" I exclaimed, feeling overwhelmed with happiness. We exchanged our phone numbers and embraced one more time. I left her apartment, walking down the street, already wishing for Saturday to arrive so I could see her one more time. In the meantime, I got to walk down the busy street of a city that never sleeps, dreaming of my next encounter with Judy Knott.

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