i'm okay

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You shuffle down the hall slowly and over to the 100 room you turn and walk into their place Clarke is the first to see you she jumps down from her bunk and rushes over to you she pulls you into a hug.

Cl: "Y/n!!!!" you gently hug her back the rest of the group notices and walks over to you surrounding you hugging you and patting you on the back once the commotion dies down you turn to Clarke.

Y/n: "Can I talk to you alone?" you say in a whisper she nods you takes her arm and lead her into a darkened hallway you look around then turn to her.

Y/n:" I found something out while I was ill"

Cl: "What"

Y/n:" Well I pretended to be asleep when I heard two voices above me, one was the doctor and the other was Cage, Cage Wallace I believe they were talking about some jammed waves but I do not know what that means." you say puzzled scratching your head.

Cl:" Well I think what they mean is radio waves like the kind that carries frequencies from one point to another"

Y/n:" What are frequencies?"

Cl:" Never mind, look before we were taken Raven and I were trying to build a radio to contact the ark and we couldn't get around this signal for some reason"(I know that in the show this isn't how it happened but in my version, this is what happened so sorry)

Y/n:" Could that be what he is talking about?"

Cl:" Maybe, what else did you find out"

Y/n:" Well he was saying how he found a way to hide it from his father by putting it somewhere in this mountain"

Cl:" If we find it I would be able to talk to Raven and she could help find a way out did they say where it was?"

Y/n:" I'm afraid not but maybe one of your finds could help you find it"

Cl:" Yeah but I would need a guard radio to talk with Raven"

Y/n:" I could do that"

Cl:" Are you sure?"

Y/n: "Yes but we need to work fast"

Cl: " Why I thought you said we have two months"

Y/n: " I'm afraid not Klarke for there has been an unseen change in the weather and winter is closer than before"

Cl: " How close"

Y/n: " Two weeks" Clarke sighs heavily and puts her hand on her forehead

Y/n: " Look" Y/n puts her hand on Clarke's shoulder

Y/n: " I do believe that we can do this Klarke we just need to work harder and not give up, Lexa told me once that life's greatest things don't come without work and hardship so let us finish this and save our people" Clarke nods 

Cl: " Alright let's go fight this war together"

Y/n: " Together" They nod and leave the dark hallway they reach the hall and separate Clarke walks into the 100 room.


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