chapter 4:the forging of the bond

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(3 hours after the events of the last chapter)

As Vastion left the kings den he met with Glave who was waiting right outside for him to exit, "Glave can you take me to the royal hatchery he said that's where I am supposed to find my bond partner ". Glave nods and picks up Vastion with his clawed hand and set him on his shoulder yet again, then took him to the place where all the most powerful monsters are born the place all the strongest monster came into existence the royal hatching grounds. As they made their way to their destination Vastion asked while leaning against one of Glave's shoulder spikes "hey Glave did you know the king when he was young ?" , as he asked that Glave just seemed to smile " you are very interested in us aren't you young Vastion? Well yes me and the king hatched the same day he and I grew fought and bled together, and it is likely we will die together "

Vastion just looks at the great best who's shoulder he's riding upon "so would that mean you know the kings real name ?" . Glave responds "of course I do but I can't tell you that now maybe when you're more matured" . As he says that Vastion just sighs and lays back against Glave's shoulder spike as they're almost to the hatchery. "So how do you get your names are they given to you or do you give yourself your name?" , " it's a little more complicated than that young Vastion we have to earn our names I am Glave because it's a strong and feared name and I'm the one who made it legendary when I broke down hells gates ".Vastion just nods in understanding as they reach their destination.

Glave set down Vastion and nodded "this is where you go by yourself to find your bond partner for yourself" . Vastion took a deep breath and walked into this sacred place to find his partner that would be in this journey with him and would share his Destiny with him. As he walked through this hatchery he saw many chambers full of eggs that were all giving off their own powerful energy's but non called to him and as he started to think there was a mistake he heard something calling to him faint.

As Vastion looks around be follows the voice in his head calling out to him as he starts to run feeling like it's what he's been looking for as he enters a chamber at the very heart of the hatchery and he sees a golden egg surrounded by blazing red flames. And as he heard something or someone speak to him not aloud but in his mind" I've been waiting for you since the day we were born my partner" and as the sentence was finished the flames diminished and the egg began to crack and as it did a single shared cell and revealed an eye like a serpents which looked sharp as a blade and firey as the sun.

As Vastion saw the eye an instant connection was made and he felt an immeasurable flow between them, He and this creature were destined for something great, As a vision was shared between them a great flame,an ancient symbol of evil, And the very sky cracking apart. After an unknown amount of time he come Tommy is senses as his vision clears and he sees the egg completely crushed and he hears the sounds of something big crawling around over the walls. He turns as a hot breath goes down the back of his neck and comes face to face with the creature he is now bound to the Prince of monsters .

The Prince through the bondlink speaks"so you're the one I've been waiting 10 years 3weeks and some odd days to bond with ". I guess I am and you must be my bond partner the one I share this great Destiny with ?" He looks over his partner who wasn't to much bigger than the size of a car though his claws and fangs could easily rip through almost anything with ease his hide looked rough and thick perfect for a fight and his tail long and almost Dragon like. "So what is the name of my human counterpart?" Asks the Prince . " my name is Vastion but since we're gonna be partners call me vash" Vastion gives a slight smirk and nods as the Prince of monsters nods back"and what shall I can you ? "He says as he sits down in a position that makes him look like a way oversized dog .

Vastion takes a moment to think of a fitting name for the Prince of monsters as it comes to him " how about volkert it's the name of the God of monsters who was said to have been killed in an ancient battle and is to be reincarnated as the most powerful monster to ever exist". The Prince thinks it over and debates with himself about it and looks at Vash and nods"Volkert it is then now we must away to start our journey ". Vastion nods and leads volkert out of the royal hatchery and as they exit Glave greets them and bows to volkert "My Prince it's nice to finally meet you and it seems you have been bound with quite a partner you two have a very interesting and trying journey ahead of you"


And chapter 4 cliffhanger

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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