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Slender's Pov

I am in my office doing some paperwork. The pastas were out killing as usual. My girlfriend is sleeping in our shared bedroom. She's always sleeping.

The telephone beside me rang and I answered it.

"Hello? "

"SLENDY! " That, I realized it's my oldest brother, Splendorman, the happy pasta. I wonder what he wants now?

"Yes, brother? "

"I was wondering if you want to have a family dinner tomorrow at my place?  I do miss you though! " He said bubbly.

Ugh!  Last time I went to his mansion was that he forced me to wear a ridiculous outfit for our tea party.

"No. "

"Oh come on!  Don't be so cold. Pleeeeease?"


I sighed and rubbed my head.


"Pretty please? "

".......Fine. "


I didn't replied back as I immediately ended the call. 

"I guess it's time for them to meet Rina." Just then, a heard the door  opened, I looked there and I saw Rina wearing one of my dress shirt, sleepily rubbing her eyes. How adorable.

"Is there anything you need Rina? " I asked as she walked towards me and sat down on my lap while rubbing her stomach. "I had a nightmare." She stated and leaned her head on my chest. I stroked her long black hair and enjoyed feeling her warmth.

"Rina, it's time to meet my brothers tomorrow." As I said that,  Rina looked up at me with wide eyes. "Really? " She asked and I nodded. "Yey! " She exclaimed then she suddenly gasped while touching her stomach making me go on high alert. "Are you okay? " She responded me with a smile and nodded. "I'm fine, the babies were just kicking. " She giggled cutely while rubbing her stomach. I sighed in relief as I touched her stomach gently. 

"Let's get you to bed." I stood up while carrying her in a bridal style. I walked outside of the office and headed to our bedroom. I can't teleport since I am carrying my pregnant girlfriend. I opened the door with my tendril and went inside our room.  Gently as I can,  I laid her down on the bed. Her long black hair scattered all over the pillow beautifully making her look like an angel.  She laid on her side while holding her stomach.  I stroked her hair making her instantly fell asleep. She always loved to get stroked  on her hair because she said that she feels safe when doing this.

I kissed her forehead and headed back out of the bedroom. I looked back at her one last time and closed the door. I then sensed that the pastas are back. I teleported in the living room and just in time, Jeff kicked the door opened like usual. -_-#


"Jeffrey Wood,  keep your voice down, Rina and the children are sleep." I scolded him while crossing my arms.

Jeff may be one of my best killers in this mansion but he's too rebellious to even discipline himself.  Typical teenagers.

"Anyway, all of you did a good job, clean yourselves before heading to bed." I said and I teleported back into my office to continue my paperwork.

A/n: Hey guys!  Sorry that I updated late because.......... Okay, I confess, I am starting to lose my interest on continuing this story. I know that you wanna know what happen next but my ideas of this book are running short and that explains why this chapter has short story. I was planning to discontinue this but no, I decided to hiatus this story for awhile. Once again, I'm sorry.

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