Chapter 10

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 Maite went next door and knocked

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Maite went next door and knocked. Aaliyah opened the door. She walked in but when she walked in she saw Shawn and Camila snuggled up together on the couch watching tv. Maite thought he was out of the house not here. She didn't want to ask him or Aaliyah so she left it.

Shawn- Oh um hey Maite.

Maite- Hi Shawn.

Shawn was getting up to give Maite a hug but she walked to the stairs a little to quickly. Aaliyah noticed and so did Shawn but they didn't ask her anything they just stared at her.

Maite- So Aaliyah you want to go upstairs and watch some movies and look at what else we can put in your room?

Aaliyah- Yeah sure Maite.

Aaliyah and Maite walked upstairs and Shawn just watched as his bestfriend went upstairs and ignored him. He was wondering what's been up with her lately.

Aaliyah- Maite what's wrong?

Maite- It's nothing pumpkin.

Aaliyah- You fell in love with my brother did you?

Maite- What?!

Aaliyah- You fell in love with my brother. I can see it Maite.

Maite- Umm... Yes I did Aaliyah. But please don't tell anyone! Only my dad, you and Eliza know. I don't want to ruin your brother happiness.

Aaliyah- I know. I promise I won't tell anyone.

Maite- Thank you. Now let's have some fun! I brought some stuff for your room.

The girls watched movies and talked and added some things to Aaliyah room. Aaliyah ended up falling asleep, Maite went downstairs thinking Shawn went to bed and Camila left. When Maite got downstairs she saw Camila and Shawn kissing so she was going to go back upstairs but Maite slipped when she turned and landed flat on her butt.

Camila- Hahahahahh Maite! You didn't tell me you where such a klutz! Ahahah

Maite- Well I didn't see that coming.

Shawn- Are you okay?

Maite- I'm fine. I'll be leaving and Aaliyah is asleep.

Camila- Oh well Shawn I'll be leaving. I'll see you later babe. Love you goodnight.

Shawn- Love you to hunny. See you later.

Shawn and Camila shared one more kiss and than off was Camila. Maite saw all that so she just sat on the couch while they said there goodnights. Waiting for her to leave so she can leave.

Maite- Well goodnight Shawn I'm leaving.

Shawn- What why!? We haven't hung out in a while! It's almost going to be a month!

Maite- Well let's make it a month and another and another and 20 years later k?

Shawn- What's wrong!? Just sit you aren't leaving!

Maite- You aren't my mom or dad!

Shawn- I know I'm not! But we need to spend time!

Maite- Well if you shut up I guess I will stay for a little.

Shawn- Okay than I will.

3hrs later
Maite- What time is it?

Shawn- Umm... 1:30am

Maite- Okay than I'm leaving.

Shawn- Why? We where having a good time!

Maite- We where having a good time because you weren't talking or sitting next to me and I'm tired.

Shawn- Wow! Well see you later.

Maite- More like see you when my girlfriend isn't around or I don't have plans with her. So I'll see you when I'm 85.


Maite- Shut up! Aaliyah asleep and I'm serious! Let me know when you want your bestfriend back.

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