Chapter 12: Frank inside my brother

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"Mikey?" Gerard asked nervously to his brother who was lying on his couch

"Yes." Mikey put his phone down and looked back at Gerard who was lying opposite of him

"I'm thinking about coming out to mom and dad."

"Gee..." Mikey said concerned

"I know, I know. They don't really...I...I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea.." he sighed looking out the window

"It's me. Me, Frank, AMD the others are always here for you...and so what if they don't accept that? Fuck them then." Mikey smiled proudly

"Yea..fuck yea." Gerard stood up, thanks lil bro."

Gerard walked out of his living room and went upstairs to find Frank.

"I'm gonna do it."

Frank paused as he pulled his shirt all the way on. His eyes glowing with happiness.

"Then do it, Gee."



"Fucking hell..YES!!" He yelled back


Mikey and Ray were now yelling to each other from the kitchen and the bathroom.



Mikey put the bathroom towel down, grabbed his car keys, jacket, phone, and was out the door.

It was currently 11:46 p.m so...7/11 has cereal right? Sure.

Once Mikey got to the small store he scanned the isles for the cereal. Just as he was about to pull the box off the shelf, his phone rang.

He pulled box into his arms and answered his without looking at the identity.

"Hey, what's up?" He mumbled unenthusiastically

Who the fuck was calling him? The thought struck Mikey and he just waited for a response.

"Mikey..?" Oh

Is was Rose.

"Hi Rose," his tone softened and he spoke louder,"What's happening?"

"Well... we kind of have a situation and I think you need to come in."

What the hell?

"What kinds of situation..?" Mikey was slightly confused

"Um...Ryan is having an episode, and Dr.Boyd and dear Brendon are an hour drive away. Me and the others who are here have been trying to calm him down. He keeps asking for Brendon, but he can't...AMD I don't know...what to do and Mikey can you please just come in, I know that he knows and trusts you through Brendon and I-"

"Rose." Mikey was now half taking to her and paying for the box of diabetes," ill be there."

It was evident that a small, sad smile was now on his face. He hung up the phone and drove to the place he now referred to as a second home.

Although drugs and fucked up nurses reigned supreme, God he loved that place.


"Ryan..?" Mikey creeped into the door that was full of screaming and crying

As he turned on the light he saw a small blob of Ryan on the floor. "Aw, buddy."

Mikey sat next to Ryan on the floor, careful to not touch him. He didn't want to set him off, so he slowly rubbed his hand along Ryan's back.

"Shhhh it's okay..." Mikey cooed

Ryan never moved, but he stopped screaming. His face was covered in drying tears, and he was admitting silent whimpers.

"Ryan?" Mikey sat next to him and tilted his head back si it hit the wall lightly,"Brendon really loves you, you know. He always is talking about you."

Ryan stayed silent so Mikey continued.

"I think Pete and I have a similar thing going on," Ryan visibly tensed,"it's so fucking stupid. I'm in a band with four friends of mine. I don't know why I'm telling this. Maybe I think you should know more about the outside world."

Mikey pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his pale, skinny arms around them.

"My brother, who is in the band, said he's going to come out to our mom. His and other band member are together. Like not friends together, together in the way that I walked in on Frank inside my brother."

Ryan giggled silently. He wiped the tears from his face, sniffling. He leaned into Mikey.

"What's your brothers name?"

"Gerard. He's the sassiest mofo you will ever meet, but he's got a heart of gold."

"What about the others..? And what do they look like??" This topic seemed to get the episode off Ryan's mind so Mikey went with it

"Well...Gerard has red hair-not ginger but like...tomato red-and he has the most talented voice. Not just for singing? But he's a good public speaker. Oh, and he has some depression issues but it's better now."

Ryan nodded.

"Frank is...Jesus Frank is a fucking idiot..." Ryan chuckled,"he will break shit, throw stuff, climb anywhere he can, he is the shortest human ever, and has black hair and has beautiful hazel eyes."

"Ray is gaaaaaaay. Well, actually now that I think about it Bob's the only straight one...anyway back to Ray. He has the Afro from the heavens and is kind of the mom of the group...just a little. He likes cupcakes and is relatively quiet."

"Bob is...hard. Wait that's sounded wrong." Ryan face palmed and motioned for me to continue,"He is tall and blonde and scary and will kick your ass if you take a picture or video of him. He's always on guard."

We just sit there in silence for a few minutes. I appreciate the silence-the pale chipped paint of the walls, the dull hope of an old dirty window-and the breathing of Ryan next to me.

"You're a good kid, Ryan."

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