10. Visitor & Giving up

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Hi babes, here is the chapter. Sorry it took so long. Hope you enjoy xx.

I woke up the next day with someone barging on the house door. I quickly sat up in my bed and looked at the time. 8 in the morning. Who could it be at this hour? It was way too early to be anyone I knew, so I just assumed it was the mailman or something. I slowly started to stretch but the barging got louder and louder.

I quickly got out of bed and walked through the door, hoping that my mom wouldn’t wake up. We were both exhausted when we went to bed. She cried on my shoulder for a while. Both of us saying nothing, just appreciating each others presence.

Once I reached the door, I looked through peephole and saw who it was I immediately opened the door.

“Aunt Meg?” I said with a morning voice. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to help.” she simply answered.
“At 8 am?” I asked as I rubbed my eyes.
“Yes. At 8 am.”

She rolled her eyes and walked past me with her luggage in hand. I loudly yawned as I watched her go upstairs. Slowly, I started to realize what her being here meant. After yesterday’s argument, it was clear that the next events were not going to be pretty.
I went to the kitchen to get a coffee. If this goes as I think it will, I’m going to need that caffeine. When she came downstairs, she sat in front of me with her arms crossed.

“Want some coffee? I asked her.
“No thanks.”

I took a sip of coffee and she stared at me. She looked mad. Not just mad in general, but mad at me.

I frowned. “What is it?”
“You tell me…” she answered vaguely.
“I’m not the one that drove 3 hours to get here.” I sarcastically replied.
She leaned in and rested her crossed arms on the table. “Has your mom been drinking?”
I took a slow sip of coffee before answering her. “A little.” I lied. “Why?”
“Just a little?” she asked with a crooked brow.

I don’t know why I kept defending my mother or why I was lying to Meghan.
Even if Meghan had been there for me and that I kept thinking that she was acting more like a mother to me than my own mother, I felt like I couldn’t betray my mom.
But by the way Meghan was looking at me, I understood that she knew better.

“Why are you lying to me Anna?” Her eyes were filled with concern.
I looked down. “I don’t know.” I mumbled.
“How much?” she asked. “How much has she been drinking?” she clarified.

I didn’t answer. Part of me wanted to tell her everything, but another part of me still wanted to protect my mom.

“Anna, tell me.” she said when she understood that I wasn’t answering. “I want to help.”
"I don’t know.” I whispered. “Too much.”

I looked up at Meghan. She looked down for a second before sighing and look back up.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know… I just… I thought that it would be like betraying mom.” My voice broke a little at the end and I lightly cleared my throat.
“I know it’s stupid. I should’ve told you, but I didn’t know what to do.” Words flowing out of my mouth, and I couldn’t control them anymore. I took in a deep breath.  “I tried helping her but she pushed me away. I figured that she wanted to be alone and… I-I kept it a secret. I thought things would get better with time, that it was just a phase.”

By the end, tears were running down my face. I was at my breaking point, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I wasn’t able to help my mother, but maybe Meghan could.

“I’m so sorry.  It didn’t go away. I don’t even know why I didn’t say anything. I’m such an idiot.”

Meghan got up and walked to me. She hugged me while I silently cried. I felt relief and guilt all at once. Relief, because I was finally telling someone about part of my problems, and guilt because I had sold my mom. I didn’t know if the tears that flowed were tears of joy or tears of sadness.

That’s how my mom found us when she came in the dining room seconds later.

“Meghan?” her eyes were wide with surprise.

Meghan released me and straightened herself.

“Hi Jane.”
“What are you doing here?” my mom asked while frowning.
“I’m here to help.” Meghan replied with an unsettling calmness in her tone.
My mom huffed. “Oh please! I think I made it clear yesterday that I don’t want your help.”

I quickly got rid of my tears with the back of my hand. I looked at Meg and my mom and realized that they needed to be alone. I got up and went to the sink to rinse my cup. In a matter of a second, while I rinsed my cup,  they went from arguing to screaming at one another.

“Look at what you’ve become!” Meghan screamed at my mom.
“Yeah? Well losing your daughter does that to you!” my mom yelled back.
“It’s been three months Jane! I don’t expect you to be back to normal, but fuck you’re not getting any better. I want to help you! Just let me help you!”
“ I don’t need help!”
“You did the exact same thing when Richard left! The only difference now is that Anna is old enough to understand what you’re doing. Can’t you see how you’re affecting her? You seem to forget you have another daughter to take care of.”

At this point I turned them off. With each words I was becoming more and more anxious, to a point where it was unbearable. I didn’t want to hear any more.

I didn’t want to think about my dad right now and I surely didn’t want to think about the night he left. Why did Meghan had to bring him up? Why did she blame mom for not taking care of me? She had enough troubles, she didn’t need to worry about me too.

My mind was racing with thoughts as I went up to my room with shaky legs. My heart was beating faster and I sank to my knees on my bedroom floor. I took in several deep breaths, trying to calm myself. I pressed my forehead to the floor and closed my eyes. I could still hear them argue in the kitchen but I tried as hard as I could to ignore them.

After several attempts at calming down, I turned my head and opened my eyes. I was still shaking and I still had a hard time breathing. The tears were back and I started to feel hopeless.

Why was I so weak? I wish I wasn’t controlled by my panic attacks, I wish I was strong enough to at least help myself. But I wasn’t, I couldn’t help myself and I surely couldn’t help my mom. I hated it.

“Why aren’t you here with me Daisy? I need you.” I whispered. It had been a  while since I had “talked” to my sister like that, but right now it felt like the right thing to do.
“Can you see what mom and I have become without you?” I asked out loud. “I’m sorry if you do. You must not be proud. I tried, but it didn’t change anything. I hope you’re not mad at me. If you were here, you would know what to do… Just like when dad left. You knew exactly what to do, and eventually we all got back on our feet. But now, it’s so hard to keep going without you.”

I layed down on my back and stared at the ceiling. I couldn’t hear my mom and my aunt arguing anymore. I don’t know if they just stopped yelling or if I had successfully tuned them out.
My cheeks were wet with tears and my breath was shaky. My panic attack had subdued, but I was still emotional.

“Sometimes I wish I would’ve been the one to die… you deserved to live more than me. “ I said with a shaky voice. “You would have gone to med school and mom would be so proud. Instead she’s stuck with me, a wannabe artist that can’t even paint since you left. Life is unfair, I should have been the sick one, not you.”

I sighed and turned my head. Usually, talking to Daisy lifted my mood, but this time it only got worst.
A crumbled piece of paper under my bed caught my eye. I reached for it and opened them. They were the sketches of Harry that I tore in two a couple of days ago. As I stared at it, I caught myself wishing he would call, although I knew he wouldn’t. Plus, even if he would, I wouldn’t get it since my phone was shattered in small pieces.
Still, I could use one of his bad joke to cheer me up, because right now, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so low.

“Did I make a mistake by pushing him away, Daisy?”

There was no need to ask that question, because I already knew that it was.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Hey! I know that this is short and a bit "confusing" there are some things revealed in the chapter, but I didn't go in depth. Details will come in future chapters. 
I know that the past chapters weren't the best, but I'm setting everything in these chapters so that the story has a solid ground, instead of suddenly coming up with Daisy's death or her father leaving. yeah? ok. haha I promise once Annabelle moves to New York, it will be much better. ;)

I dedicated the chapter to tbh_narry because she keeps telling me she loves my story and she's a sweetheart. <3

Please vote and comment, I love to hear from you. 
Karry xx.

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