{ Nickvactor } •Drink Up, Princess•

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🎃 Happy Friday the 13th 🎃


"Nick! Watch this!"

Nick put his backpack down on a bench with Preston and Nathan's, he looked up and smiled as Preston stood up on a three foot stone ledge as Nathan sat on it.

There was a big gap between the other three feet stone edge as Nick closed his arms.

"I'm watching" He said with a sighed as Prestson smiled and backed up.

He then ran forward jumping off doing a front flip then having his hands land in the middle of the gap before pushing off the ground with graceful force and doing another front slip and landing just barley on the edge of the other ledge as he struggled to stand up right before regained balance.

Lost of people who gathered to watch clapped and cheered as Nicks no Nathan ran over to congratulate and compliment there friend.

"That was amazing!" Nick said smiling as he patted Prestons back as Nathan ruffled his hair.

"That was sick dude" Preston smiled.

"I don't mean to brag but I am the parkour king" Preston smiled at his two friends before he looked forward and his smile dropped.

"Oh shit, Ghetto 12:00, Ghetto 12:00!"

Nick whipped his head toward the direction Preston was looking and saw Ghetto and his gang (Shot Gun, Acid and Saber)

"Welp time to book it" Nathan said blankly as they stared at the group.

"Thank you guys! You've all been a great audience! See you guys next weekend!" Preston yelled to the people who gathered around to watch and waved at them before scurrying off with Nathan and Nick to grab there bags.

Nick reached for his black bag when he noticed it unzipped.

'Weird.... I swear I zipped it....' Nick thought confused as he looked in his bag.

'What the hell?' He pulled out a small thick glass container that was rectangular and had peachy liquid inside, it had a diamond cork top and was very fancy looking, there was also a label that was tied to the top.


"Nick we gotta go!"

Nick looked at Preston and Nathan who were at Nathan's fancy black car.

Nick looked back at the drink for a quick second before looking around and shoving it back into his bag, zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Coming!" He yelled running over to his friends as he got into the car with them.

Not noticing the silent figure standing and staring at him the whole time, unmoving, unblinking.....


As soon as Nick got home he locked his door to his house and ran to his bedroom where he threw his backpack on the bed and opened it, he set his school stuff on his desk as the grabbed the fancy bottle.

He slowly put his back pack on the ground and looked at the label, clearly confused.

'Drink up Princess, I promise on my heart no harm will be done to you or your precious self~'

'Princess?' Nick thought looking around his room cautiously and confused before slowly opening the lid with a nice solid pop!

"O-Ok then...." he mumbled to himself.

"I'll have one sip, just.... one" he decided as he brought the liquid to his lips and took a gulp.

It tasted like something vanilla and smelt that way as well, the texture though was water and the color was still its peachy color.

It tasted delicious.

Putting the bottom down he swallowed and then put the lid back on before shaking his head and setting the bottle on his bed side desk.

"Ah....." he mumbled rubbing his eyes and shaking his head, his mind started to spin.

"W-What w-was in t-that....?" He mumbled as he slowly laid back on his bed.

And with one final breath

Nick passed out.

Going to the Pumpkin Path tomorrow

Gonna get lost in a corn maze with my fren


I need to sleep

Maybe a nice comment? Also with the nice comment tell me how your Friday the 13th day was!

I'm curious :3


Night guys


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