Believe In Love

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It was about two months since Chris was within reaching distance of death and all his friends. His right leg was no longer encased in a cage, thought it was still being kept in place and supported by a brace. And finally, much to the boys' relief, he was out of the Intensive Care unit and doing physio on a specialised ward, which was going very well.

Chris had just finished with his physio nurse, Ethan, for the day, and the boys were all eager to see him. Jonny raced in and gave him a massive hug.

"Chris! How are you, my love?"

"Hurting. Ethan put me through hell again today. But he's doing something right, because I'm definitely improving."

Guy and Will arrived at last.

"There you are," Chris said jovially. "There was me thinking you'd got lost."

"I can tell you're getting back to normal!" Guy remarked cheerfully. "It's great to see you in such high spirits."

"Chris?" Chris dared not look up. He knew that voice. Shona. What does she want now? "Jonny?"

Will shook his head.

"Oh no, no, no. Not without us, you don't."

"It's not what you think. Just two minutes, please."

Will sighed, before giving her a stern look.

"120 seconds. No shenanigans. Or you face my wrath. Come on, Guy, let's go get coffee." Once they were out of sight, Shona turned to face Chris and Jonny again.

"Chris, Jonny... I want to apologise. I've been out of order. Especially knowing so well the relationship you have... You see, I thought if I could convince myself I was in love with you, it would be easier to leave my boyfriend... I'm really sorry, it was so selfish of me."

Jonny remembered the night he had seen Shona pinned to her car. Is that who it was that was attacking her? Was it her boyfriend holding her down? No wonder she was willing to try and fall for us to help herself get out.

"Was he the one who had you pushed up against your car?"

Shona looked towards the floor.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"While Chris was in Intensive Care. I was walking around to get some air and I saw you pinned to your car. You said you were fine and drove off, but... You were pushed, slapped round the face..."

"I got what was coming to me. After what I did to him, messing about with you two behind his back-"

"That doesn't make it right," Chris answered. "He should have been the bigger person and just walked away if he was that bothered by it. Besides, you wouldn't have felt the need to do anything behind his back if it wasn't for the way he treats you anyway."

"He only gets so defensive because he loves me..."

Jonny's eyes widened with shock. That creep wouldn't know love if it smacked him in the face!

"Really? He loves you when he bruises you? He pushes you and holds you up against your car because he loves you? Have you listened to yourself?"

"Hey, I thought I said no shenanigans." Will and Guy were back, coffee in hand. "What's with the raised voices? Jon, are you alright?"

I was right. I was right. The marks on her arm and the car incident were connected. I knew something was wrong!

"I was right all along... Her boyfriend is abusing her... That's why she was so interested in us, Will. She was trying to convince herself she didn't love him anymore, because she's scared of him..."

Will had a serious look on his face.

"She's told you this?"

"She won't admit it's abuse, but... yeah."

"Look, I know he can be extreme but-" Chris cut Shona off.

"Shona, please listen to me," he pleaded. "What he's doing to you is not love. You need to get away from him. You're not safe. Please, let us help you."

"I don't need your help..." I can't run away. Mitchell will kill me when he finds me.

Shona suddenly broke down into tears. Will pulled the curtain around the bed to shield her.

"Please..." Shona sobbed. "I... I'm so- scared..."

"Hey... It's alright," Chris replied reassuringly. "We can help you, okay? We can help you."

"Y-you- don't- understand... If I leave he'll- f-find me and- k-kill me-"

"He won't find you," Will answered. "We're not gonna let that happen. We can take you to the Bakery and you can stay there. He won't even get to the door. I promise, he will not find you. Please, we just want you to be safe."

"Don't- be doing all that- for me... I'm not- worth it..."

"What? You're worth a million of him," Guy told her desperately. "He's the worthless one."

"You trust us, don't you?" Chris asked. Shona nodded. "You don't know how lovely you are. Please, don't believe his lies." She stared at the red love button pinned to his gown. Then back towards him. "We all love you, in a very special way that we do for all our fans. Believe in love."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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