Chapter 5: Hospitals?

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No One's Pov:

" Too late, this is all you guy's fucking fault." Naomi said as she backed up into a corner sliding down the wall .

" Are you okay Naomi?" the Hokage asked worriedly.

" Of course I'm not fucking okay I'm coughing up blood again it's painful *groan*, someone pass me my bag." (remember Naomi's still coughing up blood but she can talk still it's just causes her more pain. p.s. Naomi can't feel any pain except for any side effects from the experiments.)

H= " If Kakashi gives you your bag will you let him touch you?"

N= " No, * cough* now give me my *cough* bag."

" Sorry Naomi I want you to trust us but you're losing a lot of blood so we're going to take you to the hospital. Kakashi grab her, and Ibiki grab her bag." Kakashi picked her up while she continued to cough as the Hokage got ready to teleport everyone to the hospital.

Naomi started to struggle in Kakashi's arms " No I don't *gasp* need *cough* to go to the hospital, I just need my bag *cough* let me go, let *cough* me *cough cough* go *cough.*"

Everyone was surprised with how Naomi was showing any emotion and fear at that. " Naomi you have nothing to fear we're just taking you to the hospital to get help, they won't hurt you they just want to help you and make sure you're okay." Iruka said. " Iruka's right Naomi, just calm down and try not to talk your making it worse and it's causing you more pain." the Hokage said as he transported everyone to the hospital.

Naomi's Pov:

" NO!" I yelled thrashing in Kakashi's arms as we appeared in the hospital causing him drop me. I quickly ran out of the hospital. I could hear the Hokage yelling orders to capture me and bring me back to the hospital unharmed. Since I wasn't paying attention I ran into a kid with raven black hair and onyx eyes. I quickly jumped off of him about to run off when I fell to my knee in pain. My right hand clutched my shirt where my heart's suppose to be, and my left covered mouth as I coughed up blood.

Wiping the blood from my mouth I forced myself to stand, I was about to run off when the raven haired boy grabbed my wrist preventing me from leaving. Usually I would yank my hand back and continue running but my body was too tired so I turned about to tell him to let go of me. But I was taken aback by the concern and worry etched into his features, I was brought out of my thoughts when he started to talk. " Hey are you okay, do you want me to take you to the hospi-?" I cut him off before he could finish " I'm fine,  I don't need the hospital that's why I ran off."

" If you don't want to go to the hospital I could take you to my place so you can rest if you want." " This isn't a trick right" " No" " Okay then lead the way, by the way what's your name?" " Oh my name's Uchiha Sasuke, and yours" 'now I know why he looked so familiar' I thought " I'm Jones Naomi." As soon as I said this we turned a corner and right in front of us was a giant compound. (Just so you're aware Naomi can stop herself from experiencing the effects but it wears off in an hour or so depending on how much strength she has) Opening the door Sasuke led me to his living room.

" You can have a seat" " Thank, but why did you help me?" " Your welcome, but I really don't know why I decided to help you."
                        ~ 1 Hour Later ~

"Anyways where's the bathroom?" " Oh it's right down this hall follow me" " Okay, thanks" I said when we got to the bathroom " when your done just come back the same way I showed you." " Okay" Entering the bathroom I waited for Sasuke to leave before I hunched over the toilet finally allowing myself to feel the effects. Coughing up my blood into the toilet I sat on the floor next to it as I continued to cough up blood cursing the Hokage, Kakashi, and the jonin, but mostly myself for starting to trust them. Just when I was about to cough up some more blood the door that I'm pretty sure I had locked opened.

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